Thursday, February 16, 2012

Great Expectations

Expectations are a funny thing.

13 years ago I expected to be proposed to on Valentines Day, even though Josh specifically said he wasn't going to propose that day.  I just thought he was trying to throw me off.  

He didn't propose that night.  But he still made the day as special as possible because he's just that kind of guy. It's one of the reasons I agreed to marry him when he did finally get around to proposing.... a month later.

This year I expected a great and wonderful day with Josh.  And really, any day I get to spend with him is wonderful.  But this year V-day started off a bit rocky.

I had one of those "I know I shouldn't hate you but I kinda do right now" dreams about Josh.  I dreamt he wanted to become a polygamist.  And in this dream one of his other wives was his favorite.  

Yeah, nice dream, right?

So I wake up on Vals to the thought of my husband wanting lots of women and I'm not really one of them.  It probably took all morning for me to not want to punch him in the face for betraying me.  Well, sort of betraying me.

Suddenly my expectation of Valentines took a major dive.

I got some take out for lunch that day as a special treat for Abby since she's homeschooling and didn't get to exchange cards and candy.  I drove home with our spoils and told Millie that I was so hungry.  I asked her if she was so hungry.  Expecting to hear her excited for this lunch I just bought she said, "No."

I asked her, "You're not so hungry?  Why not?"

She told me, "Because I eat my boogers."


It was finally four o'clock and Josh and I get to leave for our date for the evening.  I had finally calmed down enough from my dream that I no longer wanted to punch him in the face and we had a great time out.  We stopped at Papa John's to prepay for a pizza delivery for the kids for dinner.  The girl at the counter verified our address and as she said it the guy walking behind her said, "Sweet!  I love delivering to you guys.  You tip well."

Josh tipped him extra-well that night.  Hopefully that exceeded his expectations.

We went to dinner and a movie.  It was a great night out and we always love spending time together.  That part of the date was as great as I had expected.

We found ourselves with two hours left of our time with our babysitter before she had to be home.  We didn't really know what to do and just as we decided what the next part of Valentines Adventure Date would be, we got a call from home saying Millie had barfed all over her bed and the sitter had her in the tub to clean it all off her.

Not the way I had expected to end our date, but it sure was nice to have Josh home on the night I had a barfing kid.  

It just goes to show, expectations really mean nothing.  The day is going to go as the day will go.  But thank you, Josh, for helping me to have as nice a V-day as could be expected.

1 comment:

Lucky Larson's said...

So funny/Sad! I hate when I have dreams like that--never had the polyg. dream, but haev had dreams where Lucas has left, or has a girl friend.

PLUS LOVE THE QUOTE! I need to print it out and enlarge it like 100X and tattoo it on my wrist.

Ok--really I just need to memorize it--good thing it is so short! Have fun at Phantom!