Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Losing More Than Just My Mind

We've lost the remote control to our television.  It's nowhere.  We've now torn apart the three couches in the living room, lifted them, looked in every drawer, nook and cranny. 

I don't think this is a "large family" problem.  I think it's more of a "we own a TV" problem. 

The real challenge comes in with the fact that the one-year-old has begun believing he's entitled to walk around the house with anything he can find, including the TV remote.

It could be anywhere.  And when I say "anywhere" that's exactly what I mean.

A week or two ago I noticed that the 2-year-old had lost the rubber stopper for her piggy bank.

 I figured it was long gone since I couldn't find it anywhere in her room.  A few days ago I found it.  In the bottom of the dishwasher. 

So now, looking for a lost item means looking everywhere.  Even inside the dishwasher.

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