Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A Christmas Kiss

Here is our little Millie kissing the ultrasound "camera" today at our appointment. Look at her big lips! She's going to look like her daddy! Josh's first baby picture shows him with these so-cute big poofy lips. The only real difference between his picture and this one is that in his picture you can see his eyes. And it's in color. And it's not as grainy.
We also saw her grabbing her feet. Her hands are nice and chubby and her toes are soooo cute. She's got big kissable chubby cheeks. Pardon my bragging, but she's already begun to steal my heart.
Millie is measuring about 7 lbs 6 oz. Give or take. Her abdomen is a bit large, so she may actually be a little bigger than that. Everything looks healthy and she's still a girl. The cord was NOT wrapped around her, which is a big sigh of relief. There's no guarantee that it won't, but she's safe for now. The technician was surprised by her activity and asked me if she usually moved around so much. I told her, "Yes, she moves ALL the time." I'm pretty sure Millie is the most active in-utero child we've had so far.
Only 19 more days and we'll get to see her in real life...Hooray!


Jeri Dawn said...

HA ha ha. That's classic. At my last ultrasound (with my last child) we did the whole 3-D thing and all they could get was an ear. So I went home with all of these 3D pictures of an ear! Lips are so much cuter.

Tara Dawn said...

She looks so squishable!! I can't wait to meet my new little niece! It sounds like the appointment went well. I'm so happy about that! Love you guys!