Friday, July 3, 2009

'Fess Up Friday and the Camping Trip

This week my exercising consisted of camping and boating. My healthy diet included Matt's birthday cake and S'mores. So, yeah, another week, another bust. Next week I'll try again!

But our camping this week was SO FUN! I love getting out and having fun with my family, and with Josh's decrease in overtime, we may have lots more chances to camp this year than we did last. I'd tell you where we went, but then everyone will want to go there and we won't have as much quiet as we did this time! Here are a few highlights of our trip:

Millie did NOT like her life jacket for the boat. Every time she had it on she got really mad then shut down and fell asleep. Either that or we kept catching her at nap time.

The kids were on the dock waiting for Dad to bring the boat around so we could board for the first time.

Abby got to steer.

Matt, Emma, Millie, and Josh.
Have you ever seen the movie "Master of Disguise"? It's pretty cute and stars Dana Carvey. He has one scene where he's trying to fit into the local Turtle Club and instead of looking like a yuppie, he dresses up like a turtle. "Am I not turtley enough for the turtle club. Turtle, turtle, turtle!" Millie reminded me of that.

Josh and Abby jumped into the lake. Later Abby wanted to go in again. The first time she just kind of got into the water. The second time she shocked her system by jumping in and she began to freak out. The quote of the week is, "!"

The water was pretty.

Matt got in too, but he was not a happy camper!

He was so traumatized that this picture was taken about ten minutes later.

The girls had lots of fun at the front of the boat as we raced toward the shore.

Inspired by my BIL Jabon's beautiful photography, I decided to try to capture the sunset as we headed home yesterday. Not great, but a decent try I think.
So, I've got to restart my workouts again. It is harder to restart than I remembered. Plus, summer schedules are totally messing me up. How'd you do?


Lori said...

James and I have been walking around the block on the nights that he's home and it's not raining. So it hasn't been continuous, but it's been good.

I'm glad you guys had such a good time. I wish the water was warm enough to go in when we went on the boat. Ty and Trent loved those front seats too. And I just have to laugh in a half funny, half sorry way for Millie wearing that life jacket. The poor girl!

Mrs. Bennett said...

Millie in the life jacket is hilarious!! We put Jackson in one today and he hated it too. So cute.

Tara Bennett said...

Hooray for s'mores, boating & beautiful sunsets! =)