Wednesday, November 11, 2009

"There's Only One Reason You Play Cheatin' Songs"

Today's title is courtesy of the Judds, one of my favorite female duos EVER.

Josh and I did something today that we're not totally proud of....
We cheated on our realtor!


I know! We probably shouldn't have, but we had begun to grow apart. He wanted one thing and Josh and I wanted another. The communication had broken down. I guess you can say, we had irreconcilable differences.

We happened across another realtor who seems to "get" us. She gave us the attention we wanted. She didn't pressure us. She made us feel special.

We are still on the look out for our house. There are some great probabilities. I've decided to gather as much of this info as I can and then I'll be happy to explain the Arizona market to everyone. It is messed up, screwy, and overall a pain to deal with. But, as they say, it's a great time to buy.


Kayleen said...

Hahaha. Love that song, and the Judds!! I have it on my station on pandora. If you don't have one of those accounts, get one!! And hope that you are getting closer to having a permanent home for yourself!!

Lori said...

I LOVE the picture!!!! It's too cute! I hope your new realtor is worth the cheatin'. Just Kidding. But I really do hope she works out for you! (You should've gone with a girl first, I think they're better).