Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Homework Nazi

Homework at our house has been gradually dragging out more and more everyday.

Yesterday it took Matt 3 hours to do a single math worksheet and a sheet he used to write 15 spelling words three times each.  That was way too long, in my opinion.

So Josh and I talked it over and decided that snack time must be significantly reduced since the kids have somehow managed to turn it into an hour long ritual.  And now it's time to pull my inner-TV-addicted self for inspiration.

You may now refer to me as the Homework Nazi.  I'm not sure how many times today I yelled, "No fun for you!!"  But homework is now being down as a group around the kitchen table with me consistently watching over everyone.  It was quicker today by at least an hour. 

So, add another title to my resume.


Merinda Reeder said...


Carina said...

Oh boy do I know what you are talking about! I am starting to HATE homework. It makes me laugh that both teachers that assign the most told us at the beginning of the year that they didn't give homework because they believe the family should have time together. Aahhh! I hate the stress being the Nazi entails. If you figure out some solutions please send them my way. I will be hiding in my room until then. ;)

Lori said...

Just another perk a mom gets. :) I also don't like all that class work that they send home when your kids been sick for a week. That junk takes FOREVER to get them to do!

photomama said...

I am totally the homework Nazi in my house. I couldn't understand how kindergarten homework could POSSIBLY take more than 15 minutes...even though my daughter was dawdling so much it was sometimes taking her an hour and a half! So, I instituted a sticker/incentive/bribery system. Gotta love the power of the stickers!