Saturday, June 16, 2012

Bless My Heart

There's this new phenomenon I've begun to experience.  My heart has been blessed.  A lot.  And not just by my children, but by total strangers.  The conversation usually goes something like this....

Stranger: Oh, your baby is so cute!  Is she your first?
Me: No, my fifth.
Stranger: Your fifth???  Bless your heart.

Sometimes I feel obligated to expound on this.  Yes, I have five kids.  Yes, by today's standards that's a big family.  Yes, we meant to.

A few weeks ago my mom helped me out by taking the four big kids to her house (two and a half hours away) and I spent five days with just Sarah (Josh was working each of those nights so I didn't see him for more than an hour each day).

I love my sweet baby Sarah.  She's so wonderful to be with and snuggle with.  She's just a great baby and I love that she's a part of our family.

But I discovered something.  I missed the chaos of my big family.  The quiet was so peaceful, but a bit creepy.  I have not had many moments of peace and quiet in my home.  And so it's no wonder I like having lots of people around.

I grew up with two sisters and two brothers.  I often had my friends over throughout high school and beyond.  The first apartment I ever moved into I shared with five other girls.  Josh and I lived in college housing... twice.  My major required a lot of people working together, often yelling and trying to out-do each other.

Our apartment window for Homecoming 2007.

And now I have four daughters and a son.  And we're pretty sure we're not done yet.

So thank you, strangers, for blessing my heart.  I am blessed.  And I'm glad for it.

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