Emma awaits for her program to start.
Emma's tree that she, Abby and I made together after Thanksgiving.
Emma's tree that she, Abby and I made together after Thanksgiving.
Emma's gingerbread house she made at school.
Emma was sooo excited to see Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Peter, and Aunt Genica at her program.
Surprisingly, after this we had to take her to the doctor and she's been asleep since before 5pm. She probably has strep.
Abby was a reindeer for the Reindeer Pokey (Hokey Pokey).
She even had a tail to "Shake it all about"
She did such a good job!
At Daddy's work Christmas party, the kids played on an inflatable bouncer.
Heeeere's Abby!
Heeeere's Abby!
Emma had fun jumping.
Matt wouldn't give me a normal smile, the little stinker.
Matt and Santa
Emma and Santa
Abby and Santa
Someone from the local paper was also at the kids' program. Check out these pictures, especially numbers two and six. http://greatfallstribune.com/apps/pbcs.dll/gallery?Avis=G1&Dato=20081212&Kategori=PHOTOGALLERIES03&Lopenr=1212001&Ref=PH And will someone puh-lease tell me how to do the whole "click here" thing so I don't have to put the whole lame weblink on the computer. I don't even know what it's called to do that, so I can't look it up in the Help bar. Anyway, the kids are having fun so far this Christmas season. Emma's sick right now and we're spending tomorrow at home. We'll miss the church Christmas party so everyone can finally overcome this yuckiness we seem to be stuck with right now. Only one more week of school and tomorrow marks our countdown to Millie to be in single digits. Life is hectic, as I'm sure it is for all of you!
CUTE pix! I hope the Emma gets over being sick soon so she can enjoy the rest of Christmas!
To do the link, you just highlight the word you want to link to, then you hit the little button in the post (up by where the italic, bold, center, left, etc buttons are) that looks like a world (for world wide web - clever huh). Then it will bring up a pop-up box and you insert the link you want the word to link to.
Does that make sense? Play around with it and if my directions didn't translate into anything understandable, let me know and I'll try again. It's late and I've been up since 6 after going to bed at 4. And I've got a way busy day again tomorrow! But I love it. It's a jolly good time!
I don't know where i was for this question... I know HTML... Well looks like you got it figured out. If you have any HTML questions, I should be able to help you.
That is great to see Emma and Abby in the paper! I'm related to famous people!!!!
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