Sunday, May 15, 2011

Pictures and Stories

Extra!  Extra!  Read all about it!
Millie has begun to require a gate to keep her in her room after bedtime.  When the gate doesn't go up, Millie begins to wander.  The other morning I found her here on the bottom three stairs.  She actually looked kind of comfortable.

Emma was one of two 4th graders invited to play in the 5th Grade Honor Band.  They did a great job and she'll be playing her clarinet again next year.  Meanwhile, Abby heard the band play and was so impressed that she's decided to play the flute next year.

Millie will often hand me the camera and say, "Cheese!"  Then she'll pose with some random object and expect me to Ansel Adams her.  Do you think this photo will be worth $20,000 someday?

The other day Josh brought me home some flowers just because.  He's a good man.

Friday night we got to watch my sister graduate from college.  She's planning to attend NAU's extended campus classes to continue her education.  She's been working hard.

We went to Wildlife Worlds Zoo this weekend.  The exhibits are very open and give you a close, intimate feeling to the animals.  When you're this close to a rhino, it's no wonder you feel a bit close to them.

Nearly everyone got to go up and visit the giraffes.  Here is my dad on the left, my sister Tara on the right, and Millie on the rails.  Abby said she fed the giraffe and she touched its tongue.  She said, "It was slimy!"

Emma had a science fair a while ago.  This photo was on my phone and I just downloaded it.  She did a great job.

After Emma's band concert last week we stopped by Baskin Robbins.  It happened to be Tuesday night so scoops were a dollar.  Millie needed some help getting the last of her ice cream out of her dish.

Abby's choir got to sing for the school board a couple of times this year.  She's sitting in the back row with the white bow in her hair.  This is another older picture from my phone.  She had a lot of fun in choir this year and plans to do it again next year.
 Matt didn't make it in any of these pictures.  Not sure how that happened.  So, here's a funny story.

The other night I told Matt to use the bathroom before getting into bed.  I asked him what was taking so long and he said, "Mom, the machine isn't working."  I guess he didn't have to go after all.


Lori said...

HA!!! The "machine" huh? At least it's not "junk"!! :)

When Ty was Millie's age, we had to make the door lock from the outside and lock him in. Otherwise he was everywhere. It worked too. We didn't have to lock him in for too long.

Tara Dawn said...

I was beginning to wonder where Matt was.

It looks like your life has been busy and fun lately. Since I have done some of those things with you, I can say that it is. Life is good.