Saturday, November 20, 2010

#20 I'm Thankful For.....

Today was the 5k for Chloe's Sunshine Playground.  It was my first actual race.

My friend Cindy and I had agreed to participate together.  As I was talking to my brother Peter about it, he thought it would be a cause worth joining in as well.

So at 7:00 this morning we loaded Emma and Abby into the van and the four of us (we met Pete at the race) took off.  Cindy's husband was kind enough to keep Matt and Millie with him and their boys.  We got our snazzy t-shirts and race numbers and timing chips.  We stretched and got ready to run.

There were some major concerns I had coming into this:

1.  The elements.  It was a bit windy this morning and it was about 50 degrees.  That doesn't sound too bad, but it was cloudy.  And I'm ashamed to admit how cold I actually was. 

2.  The altitude.  There's an elevation difference of 2855 feet between my home and Syracuse, UT.  It's not much of a difference, but it's enough of one that I knew it could really hinder me.

3.  Out of shape.  I haven't done very much running in the last several weeks.  I completed the c25k program with perfect attendance.  I didn't miss a day.  As soon as that tenth week came, I was lucky to run two days a week.  That went on for a several weeks and then when I miscarried I took an several days off from running.  This week I ran/walked 2 miles on Monday and ran 2.6 miles on Wednesday.  I wasn't sure how I'd do today.

4.  Headache.  I suddenly found myself with a major headache around the 2k mark, despite my efforts to drink lots of water yesterday.

But I am absolutely thankful for my goals and my ability to accomplish them.  A couple of times I actually considered suggesting that Pete and I stop and walk.  But I didn't want to.  I wanted to run.  I had things to prove to myself.  We were some of the slower starters.  Lots of people ran quickly ahead of us.  But we stayed steady and around the 4k mark we picked up the pace. 

When we saw the stop light next to the finish line we picked it up even more.

We rounded the corner to the last several yards to the finish line and picked it up again.  Then Pete and I began sprinting.  At least I did.  Pete was very chivalrous and allowed me to pull ahead of him.  I barely made it over the finish line before him.  But the main point is.....

I made it.
Pardon the blurriness.  Abby was our photographer! :)

I ran the entire 5k.  33.55 minutes.  Despite the elements, the altitude, the headache, and the near depression of the last two weeks I accomplished my goal. 

Crossing the finish line was like crossing a line in my life.  The line indicating my first step to move on.  I ran a 5k on sheer will power.  And now life has affirmed that I can use that will power for anything.  And becoming a stronger person is Step 1. 

I'm thankful for my first 5k race today.

(I'm also thankful for my friends that stopped by and said hi this afternoon.  I loved seeing you and can't wait to do it again sometime.)


colds1 said...

Let's just say that they blew me away!

You did great!

Mrs. Bennett said...

yeah!!! I knew you could do it without stopping. I love 5ks. I wish I could have been there.

Tara Bennett said...

I'm thankful for YOU. Thank you SO much for supporting the cause. It was so so so good to see you. Gosh darn it I wish I could see you more. Love you!

Unknown said...

yeah Shelly! just think what you have done! time for another one!!!

Merinda Reeder said...

Way to go. I wish wish wish I could have been there too. I really love reading your blog. Thanks for writing it.