Thursday, March 10, 2011

Absurd Adventure

During my Theatre and English education endeavors, I spent several semesters covering the genre and ideal of "absurdity."  My favorite real life experience happened when Abby was about a year old.  (I think I've told this story before, but please indulge me.)  She was laying on the floor in front of me and I was changing her diaper.  Emma was marching in a circle around me chanting, "Marching, marching, marching, marching...."  Josh had previously turned up the TV since Emma was noisily marching and Abby was fussing about needing a bum change.  But then he decided to tell me something so he began yelling above the noise.

So, here I am, sitting in the middle of the floor, having this out of body experience.  Abby's squirming and crying.  Emma's marching and chanting.  Josh is nearly yelling a story at me.  The TV is blaring. 

It was absurdity at its finest.

Such is life.  At least, my life.  I am surrounded by absurdity.

Our vacation began today.  Our itinerary for these first few days has included: babysitting, end of the quarter conferences, buying out the local pharmacy to get rid of this stupid cold, and preparing to enroll our son in first grade again. 


However, I am very happy to report that the tub we expected to arrive next week came today.  It's so good to know that we can begin work on the bathroom right away.  But Josh made the good point of, "Now we have to work on it."  Yep.  Can't procrastinate and use the absence of the tub as an excuse. 

And so we begin this absurd adventure.  Tomorrow is cleaning/packing day for the kids.  Josh and I will begin some of our other work as well.  And we'll send the kids to my parents on Saturday.  (I think I might actually miss them, which really, really surprises me.)


Even if it is absurd.

1 comment:

Lori said...

And wouldn't life be dull without all of our absurdity. I am glad that your tub came in. Just think of the time that you and Josh get to work on it together as "together time". And go out to dinner several times!!! :)