Saturday, September 12, 2009


I had to make sure I used the word "Potpourri" in the body of my post so I could spell check my title easier. What kind of lame thing is that? I could've used a dictionary. But I couldn't find one. So, I'm left only to use my computerized brain and abandon all decency of a well-educated woman. (Btw, I also had to spell check to make sure I spelled "decency" right. I think I have issues.)

I've labeled this post as Potpourri because I have several random thoughts. Of course, using that word in that context leads me to think of the TV game show Jeopardy, since it is a recurring category. That, in turn, leads me to think the of the Saturday Night Live version of the game. I'll spare you the video clip this time. I've only really been using them because my camera is busted and I don't have any current pictures (or access to any either) to share with you. Again, lame.

Millie's Choice
My little Millie-girl is getting bigger and bigger. She's very mobile: rolling, scooting (sort of), and she gets into the crawling position, but has yet to move forward. Either she moves her hands and falls onto her tummy or she moves her knees and eats the floor. She can go backwards, though. She's just getting so big.
She's also getting so smart. If you have an 8-month-old child, then I apologize in advance. Millie is the smartest 8-month-old on the planet! She loves her blanky. Oh, how she loves her blanky. She especially loves to chew on her blanky. She also loves her pacifier. Oh, how she loves her pacifier. Funnily enough, she loves to chew on her pacifier too. This is when Millie's great conundrum occurred. Millie has been trying with all of her might to figure out how she can have her blanky and pacifier in her mouth at the same time. This has been brutal for her. Of course, she wants them both when she's tired and cranky, which makes her even more tired and cranky. Last Sunday she figured out. She didn't have to choose between the two things she loves. She got them both. We were sitting in church when I looked at Millie sitting in her carseat. She was tired and ready for a nap. But she found the compromise. As she sat there with her eyes glazed in the sleepiest blank look ever, she sucked on her pacifier. Tucked in between her pacifier and her upper lip was her blanky. The bulk of her blanky cascaded down the front of her. She looked so satisfied.
'Fess Up Friday
Can I just say that I have the utmost respect for any person who is able to wake up early to exercise before the rest of their day begins? Loads of respect. Tons. This week I began packing the house. The best time to do it is while the big kids are at school. The best time while the kids are at school is in the morning when Millie is more apt to sleep. Hence, I've lost my workout time to packing. So, if I want to exercise, I have to get up at 6am to do it. I know, some of you are thinking, "Six a.m.? Half the day is gone by then." Yeah, yeah. I'm a night person. A late night person. To you early risers I say, "Midnight, Schmidnight!" My day ends as yours begins. So, needless to say (although I've already said it), waking up that early is tough. And, so, on any day that the only workout time available to me was 6am, I failed. I'll try again this week, but that snooze button is quickly becoming my best friend.
Four and a Half Days
By the time I finish writing this, it will be about four and a half days before I get to see Josh again. Can we say, "FINALLY!"? It's been 5 1/2 weeks. I know that's not that long for some people, but for me it is a loooooooong time. Loooooooooooooooong. I'd love to have the house packed before he gets here so we have nothing to do but hang out and be with each other. I'm trying. The packing is coming along. The cleaning won't be too hard. We've just lowered the price on the house by $6000, hoping that will catch some more interest. I have a good feeling about it. (If you live in Great Falls, MT, and want a house, let me know. I'll hook you up.)
Hunting License
We've been spending a lot of time in Mom and Dad's basement. Everyday when I take a shower I have to precursor-shake the shower curtain. This is because spiders like to climb the shower curtain and when the water begins to spray, they join me in the tub and scare the living daylights out of me. I hate spiders. They are gross. They're not natural. Eight legs? Hello! Freaky!! But the problem is, in Mom and Dad's basement these monsters are supernaturally big. We're talking huge. So incredibly ginormous that you have to get a hunting license from the Department of Wildlife in order to smash them with a shoe. They're not aggressive (thank Heavens!!!) but they seem a little stupid. When they know you're around, they just stay still. That might be smart for some animals, but these GIANT, dark, hairy abominations are generally on the white wall. "Wow! How'd that huge hole get in the wall? Did someone throw a softball at it?" "No, that's just a spider sitting there." Heebie jeebies. That's what I have right now.
Talking To Matt
Tonight Matt and Dad had this conversation:
Dad: Hey, Matt. I haven't talked to you much today.
Matt: (staring)
Dad: It's a Saturday and you've been home all day. I haven't talk to you nearly as much as I do on the days you have school.
Matt: (vaguely nodding)
Dad: Do you want me to talk to you now?
Matt: (thinks about it) Ok. You can talk to me.
Dad: What do you want me to say to you?
Matt: About Spider-Man.
Dad: I really like the Spider-Man movies. Do you?
Matt: Yeah, but not the one with the bad guy with the big arms.
That was their conversation. Please, see the previous section to understand how awesome I think my son is that he doesn't like 8-legged things either.
And those are my most recent thoughts. Anything random you'd like to share?


Lori said...

I'm so glad Millie found the balance in her life that she's been needing. If only all problems could be fixed so easily!

Sometimes I wish that smaller amounts of hearing my boys would be better. They just don't stop! I know I should be grateful, but I'm not a very talkative person myself, so sometimes it's just too much.

Montana spiders, I have found, are the biggest. Except for the one and only time I have ever seen a real life, BIG black widow! Ewww... that was really gross and scary. It was on my brother-in-law's shoulder!

Tara Dawn said...

I hate spiders as well and it seems like they are really interested in staking a claim on my front porch lately. Yucky! When you were describing that it made me think of Arachnophonia, which I made Jabon watch with me the other day. I think about it every time I take a shower, have spiky leg hairs, and feel one of my hairs from my head travel down my calf. That freaks me out every time!