Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Song Stuck in my Head

I must be on a music kick right now. I'm blogging more than I expected to have time to, but everything I feel like writing about is about music. Go figure. I love music. I sometimes sing it. I've even been known to pick up an instrument a few times in my life. Emma cracks me up because she thinks I'm the greatest singer in the world. There's nothing much better than the adoration of your eldest child.

Anyway, the other day as I was walking around the grocery store a song popped into my head. I don't know where it came from. It's not like the lyrics are inspirational, or I saw a sign that reminded me of the song, or any other logical explanation. I just suddenly began singing to myself, "Da da da." Now, you may be sitting there wondering how in the world that particular melody would go. Well, wonder no more. Watch this video and it'll all come screaming back to you.

My favorite part is the little figurine-puppet-thing. What the heck is that? And I swear I totally get this commercial, like it's pretty dang close to real life or something.


Lori said...

I love that song. It's so catchy! And yes, the little figurine thing is like that best part!

colds1 said...

Why do I have absolutely no problem picturing you walking around a grocery store singing that song? Were you pushing a shopping cart? That's how I see you in my head.