Sunday, December 19, 2010

Potty Mouth

It is difficult to find a play without swearing in it.  Unless it was written many, many years ago.  But even that is no guarantee.  In college, I did take my kids to theatre class with me every so often.  It wasn't too often that the girls came with me, but my classes were such that a quiet little girl would not even be noticed. 

There was one time when we had a performance day and several classmates got up to perform.  I had one of the girls with me.  Maybe Matt.  I honestly don't remember.  I just know that the child was just starting to talk, but when a group of adults were talking s/he would tune them out because they were boring.  Unless they started making a big deal about the kid sitting there.

One guy got up and had several naughty words in his monologue.  After he finished he looked over at me and noticed my child.  He began to freak out that he had used such language in front of my child.  I immediately stopped him.  If he didn't make a big deal about it, then my child would have no idea that something bad had happened.  And I was right.  The kid had no idea what was being said and s/he went on with their business without any issues.

I didn't take any of the kids to performance days after that.  Once I could get away with.  Twice?  Better not press my luck.

So it's been a while since I last had to worry about little kids and swearing.  Until today in nursery.  I don't know what the whole story was, but as we prepared for snack I heard one girl say, "And I just said, 'What the hell?'"  I quickly said, "Let's talk nicely" and got the snack passed out, purposefully avoiding singling out the girl in front of everyone. 

And I tried really hard not to laugh.


colds1 said...

My mom had to stop hanging out with one of her friends when Suzy was about 2 because Suzy was starting to say the same words as that particular friend (although, I secretly think Dad taught her the words ... he was evil like that).

In Nursery, that is priceless!

Merinda Reeder said...

My sister-in-law responded to a boy poking her from behind during the sacrament by turning around and yelling "Dammit! Dammit! Dammit!"

Cori White said...

lol.. too funny.. i hope it wasnt Case... but you said it was a girl.. so i might be covered.. (this time)