Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year 2011

It's 2011.  Time to begin the inner-turmoil of writing the wrong date for about four months.

I wrote down my goals last year.  Way to go, Me.  Now I have no excuse.  I know what I did and did not do this last year.  Here's what I have to say about that: Crap!

2010 Goals:
1. Stop using my pseudo-swear words. No more "crap" or "fricken" or "crap." This is going to be hard.
2. Finish my novel. Josh thinks this is going to be a lofty goal. Granted, so far I only have the Prologue, but I just rewrote it the other day and I like it so it should spur me on to finish the rest of the book, I hope.
3. Lose those last 25 lbs. I'll do this by exercising at least five days a week and eating better. That means I've got to finish the last few Diet Cherry Pepsi's in the fridge so I can stop drinking soda pop. And we've got to finish up the ice cream cake in the freezer so we can stop eating ice cream.


So, I do have to admit that my pseudo-swearing, though it did not stop, has slowed a lot.  And I didn't finish my novel, but I rewrote it a few times and I've finished a few chapters.  And I'm pretty sure I weigh as much this January as I did last January.  Ugh.  Flop on all three points!!!

But, even though I didn't accomplish all (any) of my goals, I really want to make my new resolutions for 2011.

1.  No moving in 2011!!!

2.  I want to complete at least one 5k and maybe even a 10k this year, if I'm not pregnant during racing season.

3.  Eat healthily and get my work outs back in order.  And get a physical.

4.  Spend more time writing my novel.  I'd LOVE to finish that sucker because I'd like to start another one, but I can't until I'm done with the first!

5.  Feel good about myself so I can give more of myself to my husband and kids.  When I hate the way I look (like now) or I feel lazy (like now) or wish I could get back on track (like now), I spend too much time upset with myself and I don't give enough to my family.  They shouldn't suffer because I'm upset at myself.  So, I want to get myself organized.  I've got a few ideas of what to try.  However, I'm secretly anally retentive and I'm embarrassed to divulge too much info, so if it works, maybe I'll share.  If it doesn't, then you'll just know that I'm secretly obsessive about organization.  Which is good when I'm organized, but bad when I'm not. 


Here's to a New Year and new goals that I PRAY I'll accomplish!!

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