Sunday, August 16, 2009

An Evening With Joshes and Shaws

My cousin Jon and his wife Pam came to visit us as we were in the middle of our homespun version of "Designed To Sell." It was the week of the Montana State Fair and they had purchased tickets to the same Josh Turner concert Josh and I had been planning to attend. We had so much fun with our kids playing together and just hanging out and the concert was the definite icing on the cake. It was the cherry on top. It was milk chocolate of the M&M.

The concert was the final date Josh and I got to go on before he headed to Arizona. We adults splurged by getting a couple of babysitters (a brother/sister team watched the 7 oldest kids while my folks took Millie) and then Josh and I went to sit in our 9th row seats. That's right. I said "9th row." We could read the Wrangler tag on Josh Turner's jeans! Okay, he wasn't wearing Wranglers, but we were close enough that I could tell that. Really, we had amazing seats. Once again, I had no camera. Josh T sang our favorite songs and a guy even proposed to his girlfriend in the aisle right next to us. It was so sweet it made me cry. Oh, I loved it. Nothing better than good music and my big, handsome man to hold onto. Ah. It was a great night.

The next day Jon and Pam totally hooked us up with some much-needed help on the house. It was pretty cool to watch my husband and cousin work together. And they were both competent! Really, they helped us a lot and we really, really appreciate it! Thanks, guys! Let's do that again. Jon, you up for Keith Urban in Phoenix? (Inside joke, but it's funny, really.)


RNLambile said...

I had such a great time with my honey and my cousins, but it is quite a revelation to find out how much time my wife spent checking Josh Turner's pants.

Good thing that he's not a tall, thin, good-lookin' guy with a great voice and that I'm not a big, fat, guy that looks like Sloth from The Goonies with lots of body hair.

Unknown said...

Hey Shelly, I think Jon's down with Keith in Phoenix! Hahahahaha! It was no problem helping you out with the house! We wish we could have helped with more of it! You guys did an amazing job and we hope it sells fast! Good luck with everything and like Jon said, if you ever need help again, we're just a phone call and an anniversary gift away! ;)

Lori said...

Don't worry Josh, I'm sure Shelly knows EXACTLY what kind of pants you wear!! :)

Jabon said...

Well if she doesn't, I do :)