Monday, August 16, 2010

Time to Expand

I've decided to start a new blog. One for my fitness goals. And because I love people to join in everything I do, I open this to you and challenge you to come blog with me.

This new blog, The Bloggest Loser, is for any fitness goal we may have. My biggest one right now is preparing for the 1/2 marathon in January. I'm planning that my training for that will help me when The Bloggest Loser, Season 2 begins on September 5. I plan to track my progress as I train and that way I can get a better idea of how I'm doing.

So, the idea is to choose a fitness goal and track it there. The goals can be anything: drink more water for a week, go walking three days for a week, lose/gain weight in a healthy way. Anyone, no matter their stage in life, should be able to join. I really pigeon holed myself with the last Bloggest Loser, so this time I want to make it a more general forum.

The new blog's purposes:
1. Track my training.
2. Track fitness goals of anyone wanting to participate.
3. Keep The Bloggest Loser alive and running.

Come check it out. It could be kind of fun.

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