Friday, October 3, 2008

Rule of Three

Does everyone know about the rule of three? It's used in many areas: comedy, writing, placement, aesthetics, and bad stuff. We learned in doing improv comedy that a joke repeated in one way or another two times, so three times total, is a satisfying and complete experience for the audience. Of course, the joke has to be funny the first time. But three is the max: "And the Lord spake, saying, 'First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it'" (courtesy of Monty Python and the Holy Grail).

Anyway, I was just bragging about how great life is with our new baby and new house. The last two days we've been feeling the pitfalls of homeownership. I'm not going to try to find the pretty, happy, namby-pamby junk to talk about anymore because it bites me in the butt. I'm going to stick with what I know, sarcasm. So far, we've had two home problems hit and I'm really afraid to find out what the third one is going to be. Our fridge is on the fritz. Having slightly cool milk on your breakfast cereal is not a happy experience. We think we know what's wrong and it may not even cost us anything to fix it, just the cost of ice for the coolers holding our food while I let the fridge defrost. Number two is our toilet is leaking at the water source. Josh fixed it today, costing us about $9, but he has to tweek it a little before it's completely fixed. I really am not looking forward to finding out what number three will be. Chances are it'll cost a lot more than $9!

And while I'm on this kick of near-complaining, let me just talk about this whole maternity clothes issue, AGAIN. This time I was trying to find some clothes to buy myself. Why do companies think that pregnant women want to dress like IDIOTS!?!? I don't do ruffles. What the heck are ruffles doing on maternity clothes? Are we baby-dolls? I stopped by Walmart for some items and thought I'd just check the maternity section, which barely exists, and the cutest thing I saw was a tye-dye tanktop that said "I'm with Stupid" and an arrow pointing at the belly. Okay, that's a lie, but it should be true. I just don't understand it. We have an Old Navy in town and I still need to go check it out. Maybe I'll find something there, if I don't have to buy a new fridge.

FYI: Samantha Who? begins Monday, Oct 13. Hooray! Love it.


Tara Bennett said...

Old Navy has cute maternity shirts, but I personally hate the pants, they fall off me like crazy. Watch out for the pants unless you're into showing pregnant butt crack. I haven't been able to get into Samantha Who even though I really wanted to, but I'll give it another whirl this year.

colds1 said...

Aunt Nancy is a very strong believer in the "bad things come in threes" idea--but she thinks good things come in threes, too. I'll keep my fingers crossed that it is minor!

Jeri Dawn said...

Hey, found you! It's so fun to "catch up," and I must admit that I had several great flashbacks while reading your blog. Exactly how many dances did you choreograph in high school? My philosophy on maternity clothes? They are only cute when you are not the one using them. Sweats are a blessed thing. And good luck with home ownership. When did we ever get old enough to actually own a house and believe that we were capable of keeping it standing?

Mrs. Bennett said...

I'm a fan of ruffled maternity tops, I'll admit it. I got a bunch of stuff at - it is a combo website of mimi maternity, motherhood, and others, and shipping is only $6. They have some good sales. Target has an okay selection. I'm with tara - I hate old navy pants. I guess it all just depends on how you carry your baby. I bought one of these - they help hold some loose prego pants up - i love it.

RNLambile said...

"Women should be in the home, barefoot, pregnant, and wearing RUFFLES!"-Howard Maxwell :)

Tara Dawn said...

Don't forget to check out goodwill. That is where I got my pants and some shirts. I'm also using big women clothes from walmart as maternity tops. I'm so big right now, though, that none of my tops cover my belly and my pants keep falling, like you are experiencing! I have been using my own bellaband like Mrs. Bennett wrote. Works great! FYI for nursing bras check out They have a bunch of sizes.