Friday, October 31, 2008

'Tis the Season

So, from now until the middle of January it is a waste of time to try to lose weight. Not that I'm trying to lose weight yet, but it would be nice to keep it down for the next 7 1/2 weeks. So much chocolate. If I can keep myself out of the kids' trick-or-treat bags I should be fine. Luckily, they're getting old enough that they know what is in their bags so I can't sneak any.

Today Emma's class had their Round-Up party. It wasn't a Halloween party since that's not PC, but the kids got to dress up as cowpokes. I was asked to tell a spooky story around the campfire. (The campfire was construction paper.) I told the story called "The Ghost With One Black Eye." I'd write it out for you, but it's much better told than read. It was fun to perform again. I don't get to do that too much anymore.

Halloween night was a success and I hope to get pictures up soon. The kids wore the same costumes they wore at the party we went to earlier in the month. They helped me make my shirt which was a jack-o-lantern over my belly. We called it Millie's costume. We hit WalMart and trick-or-treated their departments. Then Uncle Pete took the kids around the neighborhood. Unfortunately, Josh had to work tonight. We did get to visit him for a little while.

I hope your night was as fun as ours!

1 comment:

Tara Dawn said...

Hey! That was what I wanted my costume to be! And I totally hear you about the weight thing. I gained 32 lbs. That is 1/2 of what I gained with Cody and less than 1/2 with Brett! Needless to say, it makes the postpartum much easier to handle. I'm already only 10 lbs away from pre-pregnancy weight. Yippee! Then, it's just losing all the weight I wanted to before! Here's how we handle our kids candy: We make them put it all in the same pot. That way, Jabon and I can eat what we want to and they have no clue!