Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Time Flies...

Josh and I were eating lunch today and trying to figure out his next day off. I was trying to remember his schedule and the subject of his birthday came up (it just happens to be his next day off). He sat there and realized that this year is almost over. After Josh's birthday is Halloween. A few weeks later is Thanksgiving. Only a few more weeks will pass before Christmas. December 30, 2007, we arrived here in Montana. We are only a few months from our year mark. The cliche certainly is true: Time Flies. It's amazing how quickly time seems to go when you look back. However, there were times this year when we wondered if we'd ever do any of the things we'd dreamed of: have our own home, have another baby, get the kids back in school after a long, long summer. We've already met so many incredible people, we get to have Sunday dinner with Mom and Dad every week, Josh works in an environment he thrives in, our kids are constantly surprising me with how bright they are, our miracle baby is on her way and will be born before our year mark, we own a wonderful home in a great ward, what more could we ask for? I forget how great it would be to have time slow down sometimes . . . until it's already passed.

Blast from the Past...

Also at lunch, we grooved to the likes of Bobby Brown's "Don't Be Cruel", Prince (I can't remember which hit), and En Vogue's "Never Gonna Get It." It was a total trip back to the early 90s. Remember my hair? I hope not!

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