Sunday, October 19, 2008

Taste of My Own Medicine

Poor Josh has had a horrible flu the last several days. He was fighting a cold last week, but went ahead and got a flu shot. He's got a full-blown case of flu and has just been miserable the last few days. Yesterday he said his skin hurt. My natural instinct is to do whatever I can to make him feel better, but everytime I rubbed his back or shoulder he hurt. He tried to be nice about it, but he was in pain and couldn't take it very well. He told me that now I know how he felt while I was in labor. With both of the girls, I couldn't stand people touching my feet. It was the easiest thing to do -- walk in the room, want to tell me hi, and touch my foot. I immediately put Josh on foot duty so no one would accidentally wig me out. That's right, I said, "wig me out." He was so worried about making me uncomfortable but wanted to help me so much. Now I have a bit of an understanding of what he went through! ***Update: We found out last night that Josh actually has viral meningitis. It's not the deadly kind, but it's a virus, so it's just got to run its course. Hopefully he'll get past this very, very soon!!***

Thanks to everyone for voting, and those who couldn't: I highly suggest renting each of the movies. I think The Dark Knight is worth purchasing, and it looks like most everyone else agreed.

Okay, so I've come up with a Top Ten List. I'm no Dave Letterman, but I thought this was worth sharing.

Top Ten Things That Are Hard To Do When You Are Pregnant

10. Eating well. Why are sugar and salt so appealing when you should be eating healthily?

9. Touching your feet. Anyone who can tie their own shoes or trim their own toenails deserves a medal!

8. Proving yoo is smart. Josh says our babies are all so bright because they steal all my brainpower while I'm pregnant. My response to that is, "Huh?"

7. Sitting modestly. (This was originally called "Keeping your knees together," but then I realized the innuendo associated with that. Whoops!) Wearing a dress is a challenge in many ways, but keeping myself modest in church is a joke. Thank goodness for floor-length skirts.

6. Finding clothes that fit. (See picture in title.)

5. Finding clothes that are flattering. (See picture in title.)

4. Not crying. Stupid tv commercials.

3. Sleeping. How many pillows does it take to screw in a lightbulb...or sleep? Whatever.

2. Making less than four trips to the bathroom every night. 'Nuff said.

And the number one thing that is hard to do when you're pregnant...

1. Not talking about being pregnant.


Mrs. Bennett said...

I agree with all your pregnancy findings. It is especially hard not to talk about being pregnant, especially with a 60 lb. tummy weighing you down. You are in the home stretch!

Jeri Dawn said...

Nobody minds if you talk about. We have all either been there, are there, want to be there, or want to tell everyone why we won't go there! Eat some bon bons for me!

Merinda Reeder said...

Yep. I second that.