Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fortune Cookies

The other day, Josh and Matt and I went to lunch. The girls were at school, so don't tell them. We had Mongolian BBQ at 3-Ds. If you ever come visit us you will eat there. That's a requirement.

Anyway, we got our fortune cookies at the end of the meal and mine said this:
"You will inherit a large sum of money from a surprise source."

I thought that was good to know, and we actually got more insight into this surprise source with Matt's fortune cookie. It contained two fortunes. The first one said:
"A long lost relative will soon come along to your benefit."

The second one said,
"Remember three months from this date. Good things are in store for you."

So, if you are one of my long lost relatives and very wealthy, get your affairs in order and write me into your will. 'Cuz you gonna die in three months. I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

1 comment:

colds1 said...

Whew! Never been so glad to not be related to you or have oodles of money!