Monday, October 20, 2008

From the Mouths of Babes

Today at preschool Matt's teacher had the kids learning about their names and how to recognize them. His teacher asked Matt what his name is. Matt said, "Matthew." Then his teacher asked him what the rest of his name is. Matt said, "Well, when I'm in trouble my name is Matthew Ammon Johnson."

Emma and Abby drew a picture for Josh and me. If I had a scanner I'd put it on here for ya. It's a picture of a mummy and monster. Anyway, Emma wrote on the back of it:

"Happy Halloween

frum: Emma

To: you guys"

Abby wrote:

"Abby hapy hawan (translation: Happy Halloween, from Abby)

Matt yow wusap (translation: yo, wassup, from Matt)"

Matt was asked tonight if he put his dirty clothes in the hamper or if he left tem on the floor. He said, with the flick of his wrist, that he put them in the hamper.

The other night Emma was rambling on about something, I have no idea what. She generally goes off on these tangents that seem to lead nowhere, but will ask you at the end of them what you think of the little rant she just endeavored in. I swear sometimes she just goes on and on and you don't even know what to say except just nod with glassy eyes because she lost you somewhere along the way, but you can't even ask her to repeat herself because she's gone way past the point of being able to back up just a little bit so she'd have to start all over from the beginning. I think sometimes she gets bored of what she's saying herself because she seems to lose interest in her own statements. She just sort of pauses and doesn't get it back and...what was I saying? Anyway, she's the only person I know like that. But for some reason sometimes Josh listens to her and thinks that she actually reminds him of me, if you can believe it. He made the comment of wishing he could've known me when we were kids, but I think if he would've known me in high school he never would've married me. She is a bit of a Mini-Me. And I couldn't love her more.

1 comment:

colds1 said...

I can't imagine what that would be like to have someone just go on and on and even get bored themselves of what they are saying! I have never known anyone like that!