Monday, October 13, 2008

I'm Just a Girl Who Can't Say "No"

Here's the view out our back window taken yesterday morning. Our yard goes to the fence, then there's the ballfield, then a few ponds are by the trees in the background. Beyond those are fields but the clouds are covering them. It's really a very pretty sight.

On with the rambling...

Oklahoma is such a great show. I often am reminded of this musical when I begin to take on too many projects that I don't really want to take on. (Hence, "I'm Just the Girl Who Can't Say 'No'" reference.) This transition into full-time motherhood has been rough. I love my children beyond anything else in the world, but the uncertainty of parenthood scares the living daylights out of me. In school just about anything I did I excelled in. Motherhood is not that easy. You have to listen to whining, crying and fighting and actually know how to deal with it. You have to teach these little souls right vs wrong, and why what you're doing that's wrong is not okay for them to do (self-evaluations are often needed at our house). You have to make big decisions, like permission for heart surgery, and smaller decisions, like becoming a Head Room Mother. You have to be sure to hug and kiss and love each little child sufficiently each day, and the number varies per child per day (sometimes more than usual but you won't know that until after the fact). Of course, those are just the perks. Okay, not really. But it is a lot more difficult than I ever expected. Anyway, that was a long rant I didn't expect to sojourn on. My point is that, in trying to be a good mother and do everything possible to better my children, sometimes I feel like I take on more than I can do. Plus, I've agreed to host a party for Home Interiors, which actually has great products. I've thought about becoming a representative for them and making a little side money, but I don't think I will right now because I don't want to commit to something like this before the baby's born. Anyway, I guess I'm going to host a party, which consists of everyone coming to my house for some fingerfoods and ordering some really nice stuff for their home. By the way, you are all invited.

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