Monday, July 13, 2009

Need Me a Pick-Me-Up

Ever watch Friends? Remember when Ross would walk into a room and say that really sad and pathetic "Hi"?


I don't know what the problem is today. My children were out of control at the store (which always makes it a lovely trip). I've got a headache and some congestion coming on. I'm so tired. And I have a lot of prep work to do before we head off to Colorado. Colorado should be enough to make me happy, but, alas, I'm still down.

I think I might need a physical pick-up. I may have to buy myself a new pair of pants (since I'm down to a size 10--heck, yeah), but I want to save our money for whatever our future may hold so I think I'll take a cheaper route and color my hair. Problem is I heard a rumor that you shouldn't dye your hair when you're nursing. I know you can't when you're pregnant, but is nursing now part of that warning? Anyone know? I think I'm going to Google it. So, if I can do it, any suggestions as to what color to do? I'm thinking a strawberry blonde. I haven't gone blonde-blonde for a long time. And brown didn't do it for me when I did that one once. I've done the so-maroon-it-looks-purple once too, but I think I'd like to stay more natural.

Oh, just to update you, my class at church was actually pretty good. Afterward I felt kind of bad for publicly worrying about it. It wasn't perfect, but not too bad (Crisanne, I am soooo sorry that you have such a handful, and I'm even more sorry that I laughed when you said your troublemaker is your son! :) )

In an effort to find something funny, I tried to record Millie playing peek-a-boo with me, but I'm not very positive today, so here are the bad things about this video: I didn't get the camera soon enough, so she was getting fussy at the end AND you have to listen to my high, annoying, baby-voice for 23 seconds or something like that. But, Millie is still cute.

And in case you need a fix of the other kids, here you go...

This is Matt. That is all.

Abby fell off her bike the other day. This barely shows the immense amount of road rash she got on her face. Poor girl. Hopefully she'll be healed a bit before we take pictures this weekend in Colorado.

Emma is showing off her new tooth that is growing in. It's a slow process. Most 8-year-olds already have their top front adult teeth, but Emma has always been blessed with looking younger than she is. Hopefully she'll have that blessing for most of her life!

And, after having issues with these beautiful children today, I'm willing to let them vacation somewhere other than my house with people other than me. Any takers?


Crisanne said...

Shelly, it sounds like you need a day out of the house! I'll meet you at the closest 7-11 and we'll grab slurpees and then head to the nearest Barnes and Noble where those crazy people don't protest too much when you lounge about all day with your drink and read a book, and then leave without buying it! We'll just take all our kids to the zoo and they can be the newest attraction!

Kayleen said...

So sorry you had such a rotten day! I hate those. I was watching a show the other day, and they were talking about "bling strands" Hair accessories that are like highlights, but artificial hair that you tie into your hair, and it is shiny, gives you a "new" look without damaging your hair. I thought that they looked cool. Don't know how available they are, but might be worth looking into if you don't want to take the chance of coloring your hair...

colds1 said...

Size 10!?! I hate you! Buy yourself some pants, woman! Don't make me do it for you!

My hair gets its color every 10-12 weeks prego, nursing, or not. But I have my stylist do it and since I just do low and highlights the color never touches my head (which is what my stylist says is bad). I love it when you go really blond! That's all just babbling. Hope today's better!

Lori said...

Go for it Shell. You should get the pants AND the hair. There's nothing bad in feeling that you look good. And dang it girl, you deserve it!! I can't wait for Thurs.!!!!!! By the way, I like the Strawberry blonde look on you. Maybe with some highlights?

Merinda Reeder said...

I agree with Cindy. When's the last time you bought size 10 pants? Get them - but check out the clearance rack so you don't have to feel guilty.
I love you in red hair, so I'd go with Strawberry. Thanks for the update; your kids are cute. Even if they are destined for the zoo or a motherless vacation. :)

Tara Bennett said...

My SIL is a hairdresser and nursing for 2 at the moment. She just got her hair dyed last week, so I think you should be ok.

If you need some pants asap, I think Walmart surprisingly has some really cute ones for dirt cheap. If you can wait a little longer, Target's on-line clearance is definitely the way to go! I just got 5 pair of jeans, all under $5...... can't beat that!

Sorry, can't take the kids at the moment, but maybe after our house is done, you and Josh could come drop them off for a day or two????? We'd love to see you!

Here's to a better tomorrow and a fab trip to CO!!!