Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Snaggle-Tooth Lisp Begins

If you're keeping score (because everyone under 8 at our house is), Abby has just lost her first tooth--putting her (still) in second place for having lost the most teeth out of all the kids. So, just to recap the race:

Emma has lost four teeth and has 2.25 permanent teeth.
Abby has lost one tooth with no biggies growing in yet.
Matt is 5. If he loses a tooth yet it will be a bad thing.
Millie is still toothless, but the bottom two are on their way. I'm jinxing myself by saying that she's been pretty even tempered through this whole ordeal. Hopefully, she'll stay that way over the next several weeks as her gums grow more sensitive.

And, yes, I know I shouldn't encourage competition between my children and to you I say, "I'm not, so back off!" But I am very happy that Abby has finally reached the milestone. Everyday for months she's had me check those blasted teeth and they have been solid. It took about four days for this tooth to go from loose to money in her pocket. FINALLY!!


Jabon said...

The tooth fairy must be busy! Nice!
Speaking of teeth... Ashton is starting to get them. Need I cry (say) more!

Lori said...

Way to go Abb! If you are putting them in order on who loses them first, then over here Teagan is winning Trenton. Poor Teage.