Monday, July 27, 2009

Too Tired To Sleep

I was very busy today. So busy that I'm too tired to go to bed. Ever get that way?

Today I:

-got bills paid
-found out the camera survived its dip in the hot tub (hooray!!)
-turned in the books on cd we listened to on our trip south
-stopped by the gym (to cancel the membership, not workout -- I'm a fatty)
-prepped Millie's room for some accent painting (took down the Ariel border, removed the baseboards and washed the walls)
-helped Josh get the new drywall for downstairs
-cleaned the toilet, then put the new toilet seat on
-scrubbed the anti-slip dirt ring out of the bathtub
-moved the rocks away from the house so I can scrape the old paint off tomorrow and then repaint it
-cleaned off the table which was covered with crap from the van from our trip
-purchased the paint for Millie's room, our room, the upstairs bathroom, the downstairs family room, and the front doors.
-let Emma and Abby make their own (and Matt's) dinners tonight. Gotta love quesadillas.
-and I even got a shower today

At Walmart, after purchasing our paint and such, Josh noticed that we were being charged less than what we expected. I said, "Wow, we're making out like bandits!" Matt said, "Bandits? Bandits are bad guys! They kill you! We are bandits!"


Merinda Reeder said...

You are freaking amazing. That's a full day. Funny how we wait to buy new toilet seats until we're moving out, isn't it? I mean, they're not that spendy, but they get old and icky and we still sit our bare cabooses on them month after month and then shazaam - moving, now we gotta upgrade.
I'm the same way, though not specifically with a toilet seat just yet.

Lori said...

That's way too much in one day. No wonder you couldn't go to sleep. James is the same way on upgrading. Things are not getting done while we are living in them, but if people come visit or we start thinking of going somewhere else, that's when it gets done. I just don't get it. I guess I'm doing the same thing with painting the house. Others will want to look into it more if it looks better than when we bought it.

Tara Dawn said...

Goodness! I hope you have fun working so hard! And don't feel bad about not working out right now. Painting, cleaning, packing all count as exercise!!