Friday, August 21, 2009

'Fess Up Friday

I know, I know. You're thinking, "Holy cow! I thought she gave up and decided to go fat again."

Well, you used to be right.

I quit exercising this summer. Not because I really wanted to, but because I let myself have excuses:

"Oh, I'm going on vacation. I can't exercise."

"Oh, the kids are home from school and bother me all day long. I can't exercise."

"Oh, Millie is nursing/weaning and it hurts. I can't exercise."

"Oh, we have to fix our house so we can sell it immediately. I can't exercise."

"Oh, my husband is away from me and I'm stuck with four kids that drive me insane so I constantly overeat and undo all the work I did earlier this year. I can't exercise."

Well, you know what? This week I did exercise. I exercised everyday. And most days I even got on the stationary bike. And I ate better this week. After I mowed my lawn, I didn't go to our newly opened Sonic to buy a Diet Cherry Limeade. I bought a huge water. And you know what else? I have less than five weeks until my birthday, but I'm not going to let my messed up summer get me down. I'm going to keep working hard. I'm not going to make it to my goal weight by my goal date, but I'm going to keep going. And, yes, I didn't post 'Fess Up Friday two weeks in a row mostly out of shame for doing so poorly (and partially because I didn't have time and/or Internet ), but I'm coming back with a new resolve to get myself where I should be...

It's the beginning of another year. Whether your life is dictated by a new schoolyear or not, I challenge you to join me:

I rend this shame from my overburdened shoulders and raise my fist to the skies. I will not stop until I reach my goal!
Will you join me?!?

So, how'd you do?


Kayleen said...

You GO GIRL!!!! I did pretty well this week, but I haven't been doing so well the last couple of weeks, we have not been keeping up our miles, so we are paying for it now.

I am so glad that YOU have gotten your resolve and dedication back, and don't blame you one bit! You have legit excuses, and sometimes any excuse it better than no excuse right?... Good luck!

RNLambile said...

I will join you love, if not you might get thin, fit, and leave my fat butt. I love you so much.

Tara Dawn said...

I came home from CO with the overwhelming desire to lose weight. I was upset that every bridesmaid dress I tried on that my friend liked (on the hanger) made me look pregnant again. I worked hard for the first week and then quickly ran out of steam. This morning I exercised again for the first time in 3 weeks! Yikes!

I hope to keep this up. The wedding is in March and I want to blow my friend and her mom away with my new killer bod! However, with a new semester of school starting back up on Tuesday, football season going until November, working full time, taking care of my family, etc. etc. etc., I have major doubt in myself. I think my attitude needs a makeover!