Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Bloggest Loser -- Week Eight

Per Amy's request, here are the standings of our weight loss to date:

Cindy: 6.8%

Carina: 3.18%

Amy: 2.13%

Shelly: 0.63%

No one else posted their halfway mark, but remember, you can join us at any time! And if you're joining us silently from the sidelines, hope you're doing well!

This week I lost one pound for 0.64% loss. Not much, but I'm doing so much better for myself and my routine. I really want to lose more weight, but I'm really happy at how well I did this week. I exercised five times this week, rarely (if at all) ate anything after 8pm, watched my food intake, and along with all that, I read my scriptures every morning. The scriptures may not help me lose weight, but they helped me feel good about myself and sometimes that's all you need.

I've decided to continue focusing more on my attitude than my numbers. Do I feel good? If yes, I need to stay on top of what I'm doing so I don't lose my happiness. If no, what am I missing? Or, what am I doing that I need to cut back on. The healthiest thing I need right now is attitude. Once that is in place, everything else will get there too.

So, how'd you do? Any inspiration you've gained this week? Go here for the calculator.

Our poll this week is to see if anyone wants to extend our contest by a week or more. Please let me know if you want some more time. I'm up for it. Majority will rule.


Merinda Reeder said...

1.32% total.
I'm not doing all too well. Then again, maybe it's my scale. It gave me a dozen answers between 170 and 186.5.
186.5 came up most often, and is probably realistic considering my trend.

colds1 said...

Since my number is greatly skewed, I'm all for extending the challenge an extra week.

Lucky Larson's said...

Colds1--I never hear about a challenge, I will have to go back and look!

I am glad I am in 3rd place--I will have to kick it up a bit, but I think even if I reach my goal weight I wouldn't have lost 6% so #1 got me beat already!

This whole week I am visiting my mom in Denver, so my goal--

PS: since I like seeing my name on your blog--really I got a thrill from it---why don't you introduce who is in this contest and how you know them---Thanks Shelly for putting this together!
-Don't overeat
-Don't eat to late (it is 11 and I have got a snack--bad habits!)
-Don't eat too often

I love my mom, but the temptation to just eat and eat is SO hard.

I will post my weight next week--I lost 1/2 a pound this last week--sorry forgot to figure out percent!!!

Carina said...

I wasn't able to weigh in last week, but I did this week. Are we still doing it? I would love to extend it to the end of July. I also loved your challenge to lose 10 lbs by Aug 5th. I am hoping to do that and would love the extra motivation. It would be great to do it along with someone else.

Carina said...

Oh and I forgot to say I LOVE YOUR ATTITUDE ABOUT IT! I need to improve my routine and yours made me feel encouraged that I can. Way to go!!!

We have been busting our humps hiking, so that has been my gym, much better view. I didn't often have to see people with the body I dream of looking like they don't have to try and if I did see them they were always friendly. :)