Monday, October 6, 2008

I Was Born This Way

I've been trying to deny who I really am. I've been holding back (believe it or not) and unwilling to admit the dorkiness that is inherently the person I've become. I've gotten to that point where I think, or even say aloud, "This is going on the blog." I shudder to think that, since I fought the whole blog/facebook/myspace fad. But, since it's turning out to be more than a fad and it is a way to help our family and friends stay in touch, I too have joined. And yet, I digress. I've been finding things happening in our lives I think may be of interest, but I've been afraid of the judgement.

Hello, my name is Shelly, and I'm a movie-holic. (Your line is, "Hi, Shelly.") As trivial as it may seem, I've been afraid to admit that I love movies. I love to quote movies. I love to sit with my husband and a bowl or bag of popcorn and devour movies. Movies have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I've already unwittingly admitted my love for Annie, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Flight of the Navigator, and I've quietly stolen a line from Friends. Not a movie, but a visual media nonetheless. Josh and I have an uncanny knack for picking up on relative quotes in our daily lives, usually at the exact same moment. I nearly blew my chance to be Cindy's friend when I accosted her with an entire conversation from Home Alone. Tara and I licked our wounds with a little story based on the movie My Best Friend's Wedding. My sisters and I used to quote Quigley Down Under nearly every time we entered the town of Roy (Crazy Cora is such a great character). We bonded with our local serving missionary over Matt Foley, who lives in a van down by the river (SNL). My brother, JC, has asked me to help him come up with a list of Tim Curry movies to marathon-watch. (By the way, JC, Home Alone 2.) I can't hide who I am any longer. This is who I am, and I can't edit myself.

So, my whole purpose of this was to share that the kids have finally passed a few rites of passage. Not only have they seen the two worthwhile Home Alone movies, but also Saturday's Warrior. I actually felt like I was leading them through childhood. I watched all three kids laugh their guts out when Kevin booby-trapped his uncle's home-in-renovation. Nothing brings more joy than the laugh of a child, even if it is because Daniel Stern just got hit in the face with a brick again.

Phew, I feel so much better now that I got that off my chest and into the open!


Tara Bennett said...

"Hi Shelly."

The other movie that makes me think of you (that I watch frequently) is Multiplicity.

"Shee ya Shteve!"

"I got a wallet."

Haha. So Shelly.

colds1 said...

Yes, it is a good thing that I just assumed you were crazy and not incredibly rude!!!! I would love to see JC's list--I LOVE Tim Curry! CLUE is perhaps my favorite performance of his. And, uh, I'm also curious as to who didn't actually know about this obsession of yours? "Shock me, shock me, shock me with your deviant behavior!"

Jeri Dawn said...

Hi Shelly. Glad you've come out of the closet. Too bad we all already knew you were crazy! Ha ha--you were always good for a laugh.

RNLambile said...

"The Kevin Bacon game is the dumbest thing I have ever heard of...and you are far too good at it"-Howard Maxwell :)