Saturday, October 11, 2008

Movie Poll

So, I've been wanting to do a poll, but I had nothing of note to poll anyone about. Finally I decided to do one about the greatest action/superhero movies this year. I've seen each of these and thought they were all great.

Iron Man. This movie is close to my heart for a few reasons. Number one, I love Robert Downey, Jr. Who can watch Heart and Souls and not love him? Number two, Matt was the one to realize that Iron Man has a special heart, just like him. How can you not love that?

Indiana Jones and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. I love Indy. I think Harrison Ford makes the ultimate adventure hero, even if he is pretty darn old. Shia LeBeouf is a fun actor to watch and I'll watch something just because he's in it. Despite some of the predictability in it, I still love Indy.

The Dark Knight. I have loved Batman since Michael Keaton brought him to life in the original movie. I really was disappointed when subsequent movies went to some stupid neon, quasi-comicbook fashion (even though Val was Batman once). Batman Begins was such an incredible resprise of the darkness of the Batman series and it quickly became my favorite movie. Now, I think The Dark Knight is my favorite. I was afraid it got such great reviews because of everyone being upset about Heath Ledger's death. But, Heath was amazing and if he doesn't get nominated for an Academy Award, then there is no justice in the world. As always, Christian Bale was superb. Another actor I'll watch anytime.

Get Smart. Okay, not what you might consider a "real" acton movie, but Dwayne Johnson is in it. Anything with The Rock kissing Steve Carell is a winner. Okay, not really. But I love them both. And I love Anne Hathaway. And I truly laughed my butt off at times.

So, go ahead, vote for what you liked. I think I even set it up that you can vote for more than one.


colds1 said...

Can't vote . . . I'm a loser who has not seen any of the above mentioned movies yet! I consider myself a failure of an Indiana Jones fan for waiting for it to be released on DVD. So judge me not--I judge myself!

Merinda Reeder said...

Like Cindy, I have seen none of them. I'm super lame; because I LOVE superhero genre. I voted for Dark Knight because I want to see that one more than the others. Hey, toddlers don't go to movies well, and the past 8 weeks have only seen 3 netflix deliveries. I know. Lame.

Tara Bennett said...

Loved them all, but hands down Dark Knight takes the cake, hands down, no question, best superhero flick of the year, and possibly best in show all around, in my humble opinion. Heath Ledger's performance from beyond the grave was amazing slash creepy, and really pushed the movie to the next level for me.