Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Best Things in Life Are Free...

...But you can give them to the birds and bees.

I want MONEY!!

Yes, besides being a song covered by nearly every band ever formed, this statement rings true. Life is getting tougher trying to remain on one income. This is one reason for my recent blog-absence. It's hard to get on and blog about the goings on of life when you're stressed to the gills over money.

We've been looking at our options of what to do. We have no interest in paying for childcare (and I can't make much money right now since school is out and the only way I can really make money is as a teacher), so it's on Josh's shoulders to find a second job. Unfortunately, he works at the only hospital in town and the clinic, which is the next largest medical facility, is not an ideal second job. Although, it would work easier as a first job. This is the junky stuff I've been trying to avoid blabbing about online. So, I'll just get to the point. Josh is considering becoming a travel nurse. He's looking at going to Arizona so he can make lots more money and we could eventually move there and buy the RIDICULOUSLY cheap houses and he can get the degree he's always wanted for the job he's always wanted.

We love being in Great Falls and even thinking about leaving is tough. So instead, I'm going to focus on some other random part of this whole ordeal. Nurses must be too sensible to be superstitious. One of the travel places contracts travel nurses for 13 weeks. That just seems like an odd number to me. Why not 12? I don't get it. When I worked at a hotel I learned that most hotels do not use the number 13 in room numbers or floors. Since then, I've noticed it all over the place.

The theatre is very superstitious. You use a Green Room for performers to use backstage, but you NEVER paint it green. That creates bad luck. And the whole thing about "Break a leg" was because people were afraid bad spirits would hound a person who was told to have "good luck," so in an effort to trick those bad spirits, performers were told to Break a Leg.

So, now I've been trying to figure I superstitious? I was raised by a nurse, I married a nurse, but I'm a thespian at heart. I don't walk under ladders--that's just dangerous. I don't break mirrors--that, too, is dangerous. I look closely for white patches on black cats that cross my path--that's because I'm weird. And I tell people to Break a Leg. And I will never walk into a green Green Room. And I make wishes in fountains. That's not superstition, though. That's delusionally wishing I were a princess. And that brings me full circle. If I were a princess I'd have a castle and very few cares in the world (in theory).

How superstitious are you?


Lori said...

I hope things work out for you all really soon. It's terrible having to wait and wait and wait!!

Tara Bennett said...

Money troubles are lame, but I gotta tell ya - just look at the picture up in your header - that is all you really need. The rest will work itself out. Right? I sure the heck hope so - for you and me both! Have faith, pay your tithing, it will work out! Hugs in the meantime.... =)

Now, onto the superstition. I am SO superstitious! My mom is very superstitious. If your hand itches, it means you're about to come into money. If you kill a beatle in the house, you'll have bad luck. I watched someone break a mirror on a home improvement show the other day - I was nearly brought to tears! It was truly horrifying to me. With our house remodel, the fear of walking under a ladder has resurfaced. And then there's the umbrella being opened in doors. Oby always tries to do that just to watch me lose it! So the 13-week nurse rotation is definitely throwing me off as well. I guess nursing falls under the science category, so I guess they have to be more logical than us superstitious folk. But still.... they should know better!

keep us posted on your big decisions.

Merinda Reeder said...

Having been born on Friday the 13th, I have always been a little reverse-superstitious. If I weren't allergic to them, I'd have a black cat. I do walk under ladders.
I don't break mirrors because they are a mess to clean up.
One of the two tarot readings I ever had turned up the tower in a key spot, which is a very unlucky card in any situation. I took it as a good sign. And it's all worked out ok for me.
Good luck with the big decisions... er, I mean, break a leg. You've got a nurse close by.

Dan said...

I lean more towards Mindy's response! I like to walk under ladders singing "London Bridges." I do own 2 black cats (although one lives with Mom). I think breaking a mirror is cool--they break in great patterns. However, I do "knock on wood" a lot (even if that would is my own head)!

Ha, I just noticed I'm logged in as my brother! He must have used my computer yesterday. Well, I think you know who I am and I'm too lazy to log out and do this over!

Dan said...

. . . and it must be Dan who doesn't know how to spell wood/would. I wood never make that mistake!

Kayleen said...

I think that you will be ok as long as your husband doesn't decide to quit his nice paying job, and take one for $8 less an hour... yes we are there. I can't complain, he works hard, but boy it doesn't make paying the bills any easier! Not so superstitious. Although i do say knock on wood a lot... Maybe I should wish to be a princess more often.. or is that all in the attitude?...