Friday, June 5, 2009

Fess Up Friday and More

Dad and Millie (the first time he's held her and she hasn't cried)
I'm wearing a hospital band on my wrist. Sometimes stupid things just happen. This afternoon, before I had a chance to do much, I stepped on a nail. With bare feet. In my basement. I know, stupid, right? I moved a bunch of nails the other week when I changed our family room into a playroom and I'm pretty sure I must've dropped one. Well, it must've fallen just right so it could stand up from the carpet because it got me. Not too bad, but enough that I had to get a tetanus shot tonight. Stupid!

So, Fess Up Friday...hmmm.... except for today, I worked out hard everyday. I'm still not seeing the results I ache for, but I'm holding out hope--it's got to happen sooner or later!

I did work out with the second graders today as I helped with Emma's Olympics. I had the minimum number of parents I needed to pull it off. Thank goodness it all worked out. And thank goodness it's the last day of school. Finally!

Lori, my sister, is here visiting right now. I'm so glad she's here. I really miss her! I miss all you all too, of course! My cousin Heather was also in town with her boyfriend James. The camera hasn't come out too much, but I have a few shots.

Teagan, Lori and Millie

Teagan said, "Can I hold it?"

Gramma, Mom, Teagan, Lori, Heather and James

So, 'fess up about your week. How'd you do?


Kayleen said...

Sorry about your tetnus shot! those are nasty, I had to get one a few years ago for the same reason! And of course we were in between insurance, so i had to pay full price for it! Mine burned for several days. I hope that yours isn't so bad.

I have not been exercising very well this week. I spent most of it at school helping out with the end of year things, and that took up most of my time this week. I think that I only managed to run about 4 miles this week. Not my best week ever.

Keep up your good work. The results will come! It's worth it!

Merinda Reeder said...

Monday was good. Tuesday and Wednesday my workout buddy slept in. When she slept in Thursday, I kicked myself out of bed anyway and put in an awesome workout. Friday, too.
I've been stuck at low 190s for 5 weeks; but I feel better when I work out, so that counts for something.

Tara Dawn said...

I did much better this week. I exercised 4 days, and woke up and got out of bed at 4:40 in the morning. I was pretty proud of myself, considering summer classes started this last Monday.
Also, I got quite a bit of hiking in Saturday and Sunday. I am really exhausted!