Tuesday, June 23, 2009

If I Can Remember....

I need to get back on here to rant and rave about stuff. I don't know what. Usually when I rant and rave I don't know what I'm going to say, but I need to utilize this blog by what it was originally intended for...an outlet for me and my need to sardonize. I don't know if that's a word.

My other reason for blogging is to catch everyone up on the goings-on of the Johnson clan. So, here are some updates:

Millie turned 6 months old on Monday!!

Yes, my baby is getting bigger. And so are her eyes--my word! She often has really big, alert eyes that take in everything all around her. And the overalls she was wearing today were soooo cute! I had to take a picture of them. She's begun eating cereal and fruits and veggies. Usually the veggies end up getting spit all around her. She devoured her pears today, though. She's fun and just so beautiful.

This is our house. I took this picture the day we put our rocks in. It's a nice little place, don't you think? We placed the rocks in the flower beds along the front of the house right in front of the white foundation areas on either side of the front door. This picture makes our front door look like it's just floating above the ground. It's not, don't worry. We have stairs. I know you had to catch your breath just then.

Here's a close up of the rocks. We have our pathetic little petunias planted there, but they're just a little color and they were only $1.99 for four plants. Jackpot.

So, kid updates. This is just another cute picture of Millie, but I have stories of the other kids.
Matt says the weirdest stuff. He makes me laugh. The other day the kids helped me wash the cars. Matt took his sponge and as he did the whole "Wax on" movement he said, "Good bye, dirty. Hellooooo clean!"
When Lori and her boys were here Dad pulled the slip and slide out for the kids to play with. Matt has always been a little shy about water. He doesn't like to get water in his face. So, to psyche himself up to run through the water (because he just ran the length of the slide, he never allowed himself to slide) he chanted, "Wolverine, Wolverine, Wolverine, Wolverine!" By that time he reached the slide so he sucked in his breath and blinked furiously as he ran through the sprinklers. Finally, he made it safely through the water. He would then strut his stuff and cockily chant again, "Wolverine! Wolverine!" Sometimes at the end of the slide he'd just joyously skip and sing, "Zip-a-dee-doo-dah! Zip-a-dee-doo-dah!"
To get to the Buffalo Jump, you have to go through the little town of Ulm. The kids have begun doing things that I remember doing as a kid. It just helps me understand how annoying I am. Anyway, as we headed through Ulm the girls were meditating and saying in the perfect monotone, "Ulllllmmmmm, Ulllllmmmmm..." (I remember doing this as a kid.) But the meditative "Ulm" was quickly expanded to "Ullllmmmmm is the place, Ullllmmmmm is the place." And finally it became the full expression of "Ulllmmmm is the place to rock and roll, Ullllmmmm is the place to rock and roll." Because everyone knows that the 20 people that live in Ulm are big partiers.

This is a picture of the final bit of the sunset today. I took this picture at 10:25pm. The longest days on the plains are truly long days.

So, that's about all I've got to say about that. (Forest Gump reference for you there.) I'll try to find some random subject to rant about. I don't know about you, but I'm missing those posts.


colds1 said...

I miss 'em!

Lori said...

Me too! I love to read you rattling on. You make me laugh so much!!

Tara Dawn said...

As you were reminiscing about meditation using Ulm I was cracking up with the memory! That's funny.

Matt is such a hilarious guy! He and Brett wold make great sprinkler-partners. Brett hates water on his face and prefers to sit on the sprinkler to keep it from getting him.

Millie is such a pretty baby. I really cannot wait to meet her!