Friday, June 12, 2009

'Fess Up Friday

Yes, my friends. It's that time again. I've been a busy lady lately. That means that I have not been spending the time online, but I have been doing some other things lately: my sister Lori is still here (more photos soon), my novel has begun (that one's not coming to the blog anytime soon), and school's out. And somehow, blog-land lives on even if I don't post something every single day.

But, today is 'Fess Up Friday. I had a unique experience this week. I quit exercising. Not forever, but just for the week. I've been the same weight +/- 2 lbs for almost two months now. I have felt HORRIBLE about it, especially since I've been trying to do this incredible miracle-working program. So I took a break this week. I didn't turn on any workout video once, didn't run a single mile, ate like JUNK, and lost more weight this week than I have in weeks. I think my body needed a break. So, Monday I will begin working out again, but at a much less intense level than I have been. Maybe that will finally get me past this hurdle. I plan to do the core workout, kenpo, and plyometrics from P90X and go running the days in between. I'm going to try that for about a month or so. We head to Colorado in the middle of July, so I'll try it out until then. I'm taking my life into my own hands, people!

So, that was me. Funny. I ate so badly because I've been spending so much time at my parents' house. It's amazing how much junk food two diabetics keep in the house. Thanks to me, that supply is nearly out of their way. I'm so nice.

So tell me, how'd you do? Any good stories from this week?


colds1 said...

Good . . . cheeseburgers, grilled chicken sandwiches, Greek bread, chocolate covered frozen bananas, ice cream sandwiches, french fries, pizza . . . all good! All in my gut! Too bad there is no scale at my in-laws. Really, that's just too bad, huh?

Crisanne said...

I had a week this time too! Cake decorating Mother and Sons activity, a whole bag of swedish fish all to myself, on the road for 7 hours yesterday (way too long!), little sister's wedding with cheesecake and wedding cake, McDonald's for lunch. Could I have done much more to blow it? I did mow the lawn this week, does this count as exercise? Luckily I didn't seem to gain weight!

Kayleen said...

I did pretty well this week, but have been craving hamburgers, and been caving in to those cravings... I did however run 9 miles this week, and did make it though the 5k running route and ran the whole thing. I only walked one day, and still made it three miles that day. For a grand total of 12 miles. Wow they add up fast!

I am glad that you took a break from your workout. Like I said before, sometimes it helps to take a break for a bit, and then hit it hard again. Did you have any luck finding an exercise partner? It does make it easier, for sure when they are the motivated one, and they kick your butt into doing it anyway! good luck! You can do it!

Unknown said...

My week mirrored yours, but my excuse was too much stress from homework, work, and bills! Unfortunately, I am not one of those lucky people who can't eat when they are stressed. I pig out.

My favorite thing is taking an actual lunch break at the pizza restaurant by work. I get a slice and a salad and sit for an hour reading my business book. You do what you need to in order to get things done!

Merinda Reeder said...

Crashed and burned. I slept in 3 days and ate, well, I won't enumerate. I started work again this week and my stress level is through the roof. I wonder if workouts will keep me alive or kill me in the next 107 days until I quit for good....