Friday, October 16, 2009

'Fess Up Friday

We're back, Baby!!! Now that I'm settled in enough and the newest season of Biggest Loser is on to inspire me, it's about time to get back into the swing of things.

This week I started my exercising again. It's been a while since I actually got off my duff to do some real, serious exercising. I'm so glad to say that I've been successful this week. I think the best thing I did was ask my sister Tara to workout with me. The good thing is that neither of us have wanted to disappoint the other, so Monday, Wednesday, and Friday this week we held each other accountable (even though I was late coming out to the living room each day). The tough part was the only time Tara has to workout is before she heads off to work, so we got up at 5am those days. We don't workout together on Tues or Thurs because she has class those days and we'd have to get up even earlier than 5am. Thank you, no. So, I kicked my can five times so far this week.

I knew I was a little behind from not working out in so long, but I was really upset on Tuesday when every muscle in my body was extremely sore. Then I realized what part of my problem was: several of the items I had planned to come to Tara's house got put into the storage unit and are completely lost until we unload the entire thing. But, I did manage to salvage a few things. So, I lost my 5 lbs weight that I've been using for the last 8 months, but I did have my 8 lbs weights. Lifting those extra 3 lbs per arm has been noticeably challenging. But I'll have buff arms in a few months.

My biggest problem (and it always has been despite my self-denial) is my diet. I'm not dieting. I'm just trying to eat healthily with reasonable portion sizes. It's the portion sizes that get me. My weight has gone back up to the amount it was when I hit that plateau for two or three months. This scares the crud out of me. I don't want to wake up so early and work so hard for no results. The food is going to have to change! Something will, at least.

By the way, anyone else shocked by this week's elimination on Biggest Loser? Some people yell at the TV when watching sports, I yell when I think the wrong person is put on the chopping block. I think my brother-in-law thought I was a little off my rocker.

How'd you do?


colds1 said...

Mo volunteered to leave. Do I like Tracey? Oh, no! But he asked for it! We don't yell at the TV but we analyze the show a lot!

Congrats on the working out! That's a great first step!

Lori said...

I don't watch the show myself. But I'm glad that the show is motivating you. I'm also glad that you and Tara are able to help each other out. It really does help to have someone else doing it with you!

Merinda Reeder said...

My friend is making a killing on her diet. The rules: use the plastic kid plates from Ikea. Those are your portions. And then don't take seconds, so as much lasagna as you can pile on your Ikea plate once. And you can have dessert, too, provided it fits in the Ikea bowl. Her drinking water, however, is not the Ikea glass, it's all the water that will fit in the big gulp mug. :)
I drove past my gym three times this week. I felt a little guilty about that.

Kayleen said...

I am glad that you have a work out buddy!! It is the only thing that motivates me, but you seem to do it all by yourself! And yes, I was surprised at the person that was kicked off biggest loser!! Tracy has it coming!!

I only made it to exercising once this week. The weather has been cold enough that running doesn't work... And I have yet to convince myself that I need to be doing a video, so I guess I am at a stand still. I need to talk to the hubby a bit more, and convince him for real that I NEED a treadmill....

Good for you!! You go girl!!

Jeri Dawn said...

Uggg...Kayleen...I HATE TREADMILLS! I gave mine away years ago. It's not the same as running free outside. far I made it 4 times this week! Ever heard of Slim in 6? Supposed to be a pre-P90X. It's a lot of muscle training and it makes me want more cardio. I miss running but am a bit scared to try again--so many things to go wrong. I'll get there. Maybe today and then I can count 5!

Kayleen said...

Jeri Dawn... I don't know that I am going to love a treadmill, but it is better than nothing... And yes, I have done slim in 6, and don't enjoy all the squats, and then the one more time faster... It is ok, but not my favorite video. Something has to click and get me motivated... here is wishing me luck!