Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Winter Blues

I'm going through a bit of a Winter Blues right now. Maybe because of the weather--gray and chilly? Or the monotony of day to day activity--the same thing everyday? Maybe the fact that I don't want to settle and get comfortable in this house since we are hoping to resume our house search soon? Maybe having the kids home all day, everyday?

I've never been one to favor Eeyore, but I swear it feels like my tail is missing and I need to be noticed.


Lori said...

I'm sorry Shelly. I wish there was some way I could cheer you up.

Just imagine a BIG HUGE HUG from your baby sister!!! I love you!!

RNLambile said...

I notice you, but you just scream at me "QUIT LOOKING AT MY TAIL!!!" :) I love you so much. It pains me to see how depressed you have been this week. Wish I could do something to help love.

Crisanne said...

Ugh. I hate the winter blues. We are experiencing some here too. The only advise I can give is plunk the kids down to an indoor picnic lunch, pop in a movie they all will at least be quiet for and then you grab a good book and some cinnamon bears. (this doesn't go well with the whole trying to eat healthy and exercise, but it's what I did yesterday!)

Merinda Reeder said...

Go find an indoor pool. :)