Wednesday, February 17, 2010

He's So Cute!!!!

Josh was laughing at me this morning because yesterday we got a cd in the mail from one of his cousins which contained over 200 pictures from that side of the family. Included is a picture of Josh when he was about 3 1/2. He's so cute I can't even stand it!

This is the only picture we have of Josh under the age of 19. I really, really want to raid my in-laws' pictures, but I can just see how that conversation would go:

"Hi! How are you! Haven't seen you in a while. I want pictures."

This smaller picture is cropped from this larger one. This is the day Josh's brother Jaymen was blessed. There are a lot of people in this photo I've never met, including Josh's mom's parents who passed away in the 1990s and his biological father's parents who are in CA. For that matter, I've never met his biological father. All I really have to say about that is, every family has dynamics. But that's a whole other story.

Josh's sister also found this photo. I can't believe she had a copy of it. This is Josh and me the night we met face to face. Josh had just come off the airplane, home from his mission to South Africa. He was still a missionary, and if you didn't know, missionaries aren't supposed to be too close to members of the opposite sex. So, we hammed up this picture a little, but you can see by how red our faces are that we're both a bit embarrassed about the whole spectacle.

I love old pictures.


Lori said...

Holy crap! Matt looks just like Josh!!!!! Cute pics!

Tara Bennett said...

I can't believe you have a pic of the very moment you met! So cute :)

Merinda Reeder said...

In plaid, no less!