Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Bloggest Loser -- Week Twelve

Last week saw two winners tied at 1% each: Mindy and Carina. So glad we've got a few more people in here with us.

We only have a couple of weeks left. Three, to be exact. Are you hanging in there?

I've hit a few realities this weekend. I'm late posting this (obviously) and it's because I haven't been into this at all. In fact, if I weren't hosting this competition, I'd have quit a long time ago. My heart has not been into losing weight, therefore I have lost no weight. I've actually gained five pounds since we began this. I don't know exactly why I'm struggling with this so much, but it's surrounded by excuses: It's too hot, I don't have time, My kids need me, My husband needs me, My family is in town, The bad food I bought the other day needs to be eaten and not wasted. It's everyone's fault but mine!!! I know that I'm not going to win our competition, but I sure am facing a lot of my obstacles and trying to learn how to overcome them. It hasn't worked yet, but maybe I still have some hope. Maybe I can figure out what I need. I don't need a huge body make over. I just want to slim down about 20 lbs so when I gain a little holiday weight I don't have to worry that I'm back in the overweight category. Or at risk for diabetes like both of my parents. Or look like the fat, mean ogre-mom I've become a few too many times lately.

So, post your weight lost, but if you can, please post something you've learned about yourself during this experience. Does a certain routine work better? A certain exercise? A certain diet? A certain hobby or habit? I could really use some inspiration. Let me know what's working for you. And that this competition hasn't been a waste of time!!!


colds1 said...

I'm down 2%

What have I learned? Well, since my journey has been different than everyone else's (no one else had a baby recently, right?), I've had different things on my mind. One I fight daily is how unfair it all is. Not only is my body tormented by the pregnancy and labor, but then it doesn't even get to recover due to lack of sleep and the physical demands of a new baby and the previous children. I've had to come to terms with pregnancy and childbirth being a blessing and not a curse. I've had to practice patience as I am still 13 pounds from my pre-pregnant self. I still want to improve my appearance, but I'm trying to learn to love myself as I am. Key word = trying!

Lucky Larson's said...

UGG! Honestly I have given up! Horrible I know. I am not sure when it happened--maybe when I went to go visit my mom. Out of town is really hard to keep motivated.

My biggest difficulty is consistancy. UGG. I have good results when I eat right and exercise (Such a suprise?!)

I loose a little and start to slack--then I loose the 5 pounds right back. Luckly it is only 5 pounds and not 30--but still!

It seems like there is ALWAYS something to keep you from eatting right or working out.

I RECOMMITTE right now to work out. I signed up for a 5K and only ran about 5 times...it is in two weeks. I think in that time I could work up to running (slowly) the whole 3 miles. I can run almost a whole mile right now. Each day if I add a little I could easily run 3 miles with out stopping! That is my goal.

THANK YOU SHELLY for doing this and keeping it in my mind.

Carina said...

Shelly, I am sorry if this is too much for you. Moving into a new house and adjusting to a new area can be difficult, add kids being at home for the summer and VOILA, Stress!!! I can relate! You are sweet to keep posting this.

I lost 1%. Yeah, it shocked me too. Of course I am not just 20 lbs away from my final goal, so I am glad that it is coming off little by little.

I had terrible habits before. Now I am dedicated to making sure I get enough water. I add Crystal Light to a 32 oz bottle and try to drink 2 of those a day. I drink water before I eat, so I feel more full and eat less. Another thing I have done to get more fluids is drink a cup of water whenever I wash my hands, which is often as a Mom. I wear a pedometer every day and try to increase my activity especially when I notice it is low. The hiking has gotten me some high step #s 28,000 was my high. I eat more fruits & vegs than I used to. I have changed to brown rice, wheat pasta, couscous and more beans. Make your food as flavorful as you can and then you won't feel deprived. And the last thing is measuring my food for portion control. I am shocked at how much I used to eat. Then when I am really good I keep a journal of everything I eat for the day.

Set small goals and work towards that first and then reward yourself as you reach it. The reward can be food related if you want, or an outing you have wanted to do, or a new outfit. Don't make it all about the scales, take your body measurements and if you see a difference there, raise the roof.

I hope the competition hasn't been a waste of time. I have enjoyed reading other's thoughts, especially yours. I am sure you have grown by looking inside yourself and finding your strengths & weaknesses. I just wish we could be closer, do activities together & motivate each other more. Good luck this week. I hope to see you posting something happy with a loss, even if it be small. Cheering for you!

Merinda Reeder said...

I know what you mean. I lost 1% -- but I feel like I'm not all that spectacular. I started in the 180s and I'm still in the 180s.
I wanted to get to 175. I wanted to get (however briefly) into my pre-kid wardrobe.
Now I'm both excited and bummed. Bummed because I didn't get back down. Bummed because adding 60 to 187 is a lot worse than adding 60 to 170. And excited because I'm about to add 60 pounds to myself.
I know what the doctors say... 20-30 pounds is healthy.
But I gain 60. Maybe I can keep it to 58? Yeah, well, we'll see.

Merinda Reeder said...

But yes, thanks for running this competition. I've been competing with myself, and enjoying everybody else's comments. It keeps me going, because I neeeeed to have somebody that is trying, too, like me.

Crisanne said...

Hate to say it, but I've given up any serious attempts at weight loss for this summer. Did I ever really start? I am trying to watch what I eat (as it makes its way into my mouth). I seriously can't keep my exercise schedule going with all the kids home. I try and take out even 20 min, they fight, or sneak out of the house to watch all the big construction tractors and trucks on our road this summer. The drivers of said vehicles are not watching out for my kids, so someone's got to do it. I guess it's me. Once school starts and 3 of my 4 are gone all morning I should be able to start this up again!