Abby loves Princesses, especially Ariel
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Disneyland Bound
Abby loves Princesses, especially Ariel
Saturday, March 21, 2009
March (Movie) Madness
Tonight First Wives' Club was on. I love this movie. Probably because when it came out I was a non-dating high schooler that was bitter about my situation and loved the companionship of my girl friends. After seeing this movie in the theater, we decided that Annie (Diane Keaton) was most like my friend Mindy, Brenda (Bette Midler) was most like my friend Cindy, and Elise (Goldie Hawn) was most like me. You couldn't get it any better than that. Plus, there was Shelly (Sarah Jessica Parker). "Shelly the Barracuda. She's 12." My name isn't used that much, so when it is, it's kind of fun. Also, Goldie Hawn always makes me think of my friend Tara. Just a movie full of memories and thoughts.
Millie has developed a bit of a raspy voice. She was gurgling at me the other day and made me think of Multiplicity. Remember the part when Laura (Andie MacDowell) asks Number 4 what he wants and he says with a bit of a raspy voice, "I want pizza. Give me some pizza." Of course we knew that one of my kids was going to be a bit of Number 4. It's unavoidable.
And not to leave Josh out, we watch Ratatouille every time it is on. Not because the kids love it, but because Josh does. Anyone need an idea of something to buy Josh? This is the perfect gift.
Friday, March 20, 2009
'Fess Up Friday
But I couldn't let myself do that! Especially since Tuesday was Day 45, halfway through my Power 90. Today is Day 48. I already know I have the temptation of making bad choices next week (we're going to Disneyland, baby!) but I have to keep myself in check then too. I need to watch what I eat and wear my baby when possible. BTW, I'm not planning on blogging while we're gone, so no 'Fess Up Friday next week. Well, I'm not planning it into our vacation. If it happens, it happens. Kind of how I feel about official exercise while we're gone. But until then I need to remain diligent. I'm down another 2 lbs this week, but with little change in my measurements. However, I can see the changes and I'm confident that I'll be happy with myself in another 42 days. I'd be shocked if I were at my target weight by then, but I know I'll be brave enough to post before/after pictures by then. At least I hope. Is that called Near Optimism?
How'd you do this week?
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
An Award, Two Tags, and A Big REWARD
I've decided to tag my "usuals" (because I love you) but also add a couple of people that probably don't know that I've been following them (Sing with me, "I wear my sunglasses at night...").
And my big reward for the day was this: Millie laughed for the first time! She started out smiling at me, but as I was cooing at her about her naked bum (I was changing her diaper at the time) she broke out into her first laugh. Oh, it melted my heart.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Top O' The Mornin' To Ya!
I hope the leprechaun's were nice to you today!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Surrounded by Girls
But, I think that the overwhelming influence of femininity has helped Matt begin to develop more of his feminine side. He has an obsession with being "cute." He can't be handsome or cool. He has to be cute. If something doesn't make him cute, than he doesn't want anything to do with it.
He's also becoming quite a nurturer. I consider Matt to be my "Manny." Who needs a nanny when you can use Matt the Manny? He's the first to attend to Millie's needs. He sings to her, gives her her pacifier, tries to entertain her, and I think he'd change her diaper if I'd let him. I can easily go take a shower and know that Millie will be okay with Matt.
He's also a helpful personal shopper. But first I have to go into a bit of background. It has been a very long time since I've been able to shop in the regular women's section. I've been a big girl for quite a while. If you've never been forced to buy your clothes from the Women's sizes, let me tell you what it's like. Imagine finding a boat-sail sized piece of cloth with a pattern to rival your grandmother's clothes. Drape it around your large bust, and this is a basic experience shopping in the Women's section. (Actually, my grandmother dresses very well, so think stereotypical.) Trying to find tops to wear to acting competitions was a joke. The styles and cuts were not flattering and Extra Larges in stores like Maurice's (that's the only clothing store in Alamosa besides JC Penneys) were still too small for me, or shrunk way too much after the first washing. This is probably why I always got cast as the mother, or the nun. Anyway, last night we went to the store for a few things for our trip and decided to get some shirts. I was actually able to pick shirts out of the regular women's section--not the big girls! I didn't even realize it until after the fact, but I'm still really excited about it. Anyway, it has been a very, very long time since I've been able to easily wear tops that are a bit form fitting and even flattering. Here's where my personal shopper comes in. Matt looks at me and says, "Wow, your boobs look nice!" Mortified? Me too.
I'm not too worried about Matt's uber estrogen environment. After all, his father has many of these same qualities and he's by far the best husband I've ever had. ;o)
Friday, March 13, 2009
'Fess Up Friday
This week was so rough! Sunday night through Wednesday night I was dealing with a very fussy, sick baby girl. Oh, the fussing! Wednesday night was the worst. The only way I could calm Millie down was standing up with her in my arms. By midnight I was a bit tired of standing. She finally wiped herself out and stayed asleep until about 1am. Then Emma came up about an hour later and said, "Mother..." That's never a good sign. She'd had a bad dream. Needless to say, I didn't get good workouts in this week. I even missed Wednesday completely. My first miss. Ugh. I didn't want to do that until our vacation. Frustration.
The good thing is that my balance is improving a LOT! I'm so glad. I can actually balance on one leg easily. That's a miracle. My dad will happily tell the story of when I was being tested to see if I could enter kindergarten a year early. I passed every portion of the testing until we got to the physical development. I couldn't keep my balance to hop on one leg. I missed going to kindergarten a year early because I couldn't hop on one leg! Well, look at me now, Superior Montana School Testing! I could kick that test's butt! And it only took me 26 1/2 years to do it, baby!! Thank you Tony Horton and Power 90. I've finally overcome that emotional hurdle. Whew!
How'd you do?
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
To celebrate Relief Society's birthday, we had a guest speaker named Martha Jones who is a Laughing Yoga Specialist. Everyone was a little nervous about what this yoga was going to be like. I had an idea that it wasn't going to be anything like the Power Yoga I do everyday. No Downward Dogs. What we did was use breathing techniques to prepare us for the different ways we laughed. It was so fun. We had to simulate a call on the phone, not using words, but laughing. We had to argue with people around us only using laughter (so hard!). My favorite was when we had to giggle like little girls telling secrets. I've always loved giggling. This whole thing loudly reminded me that I have a belly laugh. I've also been told that I have a Betty Rubble laugh.
Ah, you've got to love a cartoon with a dubbed in laugh track. Anyway, it was such a fun night. I love getting together with the other women from church and being a part of the Relief Society.
Oh, as for the title of this post. Joy is a matter of perspective. Did you read that as
Something to think about :o)
Monday, March 9, 2009
Everybody Needs a Laughing Place...
In about sixteen days the Johnsons are going to Disneyland!! I can't wait! I want to go have some fun right noooooowwwww! We've decided to make this trip all about the kids. We have some really great things planned. We'll do dinner with the main Disney characters in Goofy's Kitchen one night. We've also got a date with the Princesses another day. But don't tell the kids, they don't know about all the extras. In fact, I asked Emma if she thought we might be able to get Mickey ears hats and she said, "They don't make those anymore." Ha, ha! Little does she know!!
I'm really looking forward to seeing the kids' faces for the five days we'll be in the Magic Kingdom. The last time we went Abby was 9 months old and so Emma was 22 months old. The picture above is Emma hugging the only character that didn't make her burst into tears. The silly ol' bear. I know Millie's going to be way young to be out on vacation, but I think it'll still be a great experience for us all. I'm thinking I'll end up carrying Millie around in a Snugli or wrap, so that will most likely supplement the loss of exercise I expect to experience that weekend. We're going in between Josh's stretches at work so he doesn't have to take time off so it will be a long weekend and the kids are going to miss school. If I were them, I'd be LOVING my parents for taking me to Disneyland instead of school.
I'm so mean, though. The kids are earning their spending money by completing all of their chores everyday. They earn a dollar a day. My house is almost clean! It's like a miracle. My house is getting to be the Happiest Place on Earth!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
In the Spotlight: Ab-alicious
Abby's turn. I'm going to educate you all on the wonder of Ab. I think the easiest way to describe Abby is to tell about the day she was born.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Rock + SNL = Funny
I may be a little too distracted to complete this post. We'll see. I'm watching Saturday Night Live and it is HILARIOUS!! Oh, except for the toilet part I just saw. Why does there always have to be one part that just goes too far?
Friday, March 6, 2009
'Fess Up Friday
Well, today is officially Day 34. Yes, I've been hurting myself for 34 days now. Sometimes I feel good about my progress and some days... The other day I was leaning back in the recliner with Millie on my chest. She was doing the cutest stuff, so I had Josh take a picture of her. When I got to see how the pictures came out I was mortified to see that I resembled Jabba the Hut. Oh, it was gross and very disheartening. The only good thing was that I could call Josh my Princess Leia (is that disturbing, because I think it's funny). Anyway, I have to crop those pictures before I can post them.
I figured that I'd give an overall status of how it's going since I've passed my 30 day mark. I haven't taken another photo of myself yet and I'm very scared to since the Jabba moment, so that may wait. So far, since I bought my scale three weeks ago, I've lost 7.4 lbs. Since February 2, I've lost a total of 11 inches (bust, waist, hips, arms, thighs). I'm making progress, I just wish I could see it as well as the numbers sound. According to the Power 90 testimonials, the first month you see a difference as you begin to lost fat, the second month seems almost a stand still as muscle mass begins to build more, and the third month the weight just slips off. We'll see.
I decided to add a little humor since laughter is so good for you. This is Millie and Matt kickboxing. I've mentioned this before, but here is the visual.
So, let me know. How'd you do? What's working? What hinders? Any and all advice or encouragement is absolutely appreciated! My biggest challenge is the patience thing. Stupid patience!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Christmas Presents Revealed
So, we went from this
Isn't he amazing? I love bragging about how great my husband is, and he keeps giving me stuff to brag about. You can think I'm sappy, but I don't really care (see my previous post if you really want to get into it with me!). Really, I think Josh did great and I can't wait to see what else he can come up with.
By the way, if you want to learn how to make the coloring pages we used (the coloring page is on my old dead laptop, sorry) go here.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Irish Temper
I am Irish. Not full blooded by any means, but enough to be able to claim it. I have subtle red highlights in my hair and the temper to prove my Irish-ocity. I know it's hard to believe, especially by those of you that I've been close to, but I have a bit of a temper. I know! You're thinking, "You? Shelly? Really?!?" Yes. When I get like this, I hate everyone and everything and I will gladly commit murder. It takes every ounce of control I can possibly muster to not yell at the stupid people all around me. And everyone around me is stupid when I get like this. Not just the people at Walmart--I didn't even go there today, I can only imagine what might have happened there.
Back to my point. The reason St Patrick's Day is so widely celebrated is because if you don't celebrate it, some Irishman is going to frickin' punch in you in the face.
One of the few things that made me laugh today was this Youtube.
I like Charlie. I wish I were as cute as him to get away with biting someone annoying me.