Saturday, March 7, 2009

Rock + SNL = Funny

I may be a little too distracted to complete this post. We'll see. I'm watching Saturday Night Live and it is HILARIOUS!! Oh, except for the toilet part I just saw. Why does there always have to be one part that just goes too far?

Anyway, I love Dwayne Johnson, aka The Rock. He's hosting tonight. Yes, I know he's not the greatest thespian to hit the big screen, but he's not the worst. He just always makes me think of Josh. The first time I ever really paid attention to him was his first appearance on SNL and my favorite sketch was when he played "Nicotrel", who was a man who helped you stop smoking.

Of course, the way he did it was to beat the crap out of the man who formerly smoked. It was hilarious and Josh and I just laughed and laughed.
Josh and Dwayne have similar builds. And Josh is an unstoppable comedian on stage.

They're both bigger-than-life presences around others they perform with. I wish you could've seen Josh play Ellard in the play The Foreigner. He was so funny he made one kid pee his pants. I'm so glad I wasn't the house manager yet.
Is it too much of a pun to say that Josh is my Rock?
Tonight's SNL had Dwayne singing and dancing burlesque, almost immediately followed by him playing Barack Obama's Hulk alter-ego. So freaking funny. If you want to watch it, I've got it on DVR. Just stop on by.


Jabon said...

That -sniff- is soooo sweet! Well at least Josh is similar to the rock. Tara digs Vin Diesel and even if I shaved my head I couldn't pass for his 2nd cousin. :)

Tara Dawn said...

I think we'll have to watch that when we come up there! I, too, like the Rock so I think I could appreciate that!