has a big personality that is very obvious even at her young age. One that has been apparent since before she was born.
I've actually coined a new phrase. Millie's pacifier was missing one day and I happened to find it in an empty contact solution box. Josh asked me how in the world I found it in this random box. I told him that my clue was that the box had been crushed and misplaced, or "Millified."
Millie doesn't seek out mischief. She is too task-oriented to look for trouble. Millie sees things around her and knows when a job needs to be done.
For instance,
Food: should be eaten. It should be eaten from off her plate, off the floor, out of the garbage can, off Daddy's plate, out of Mommy's hand, off a sibling's plate sitting unattended at the kitchen table.
Drinks: should be out of water bottles. Or empty pop cans.
Walking: should be accomplished anywhere. And often. Through the hallways at church, around the zoo, through the aisles of Home Depot, across the dance floor at a cousin's wedding.
Dirty Looks: should be given to anyone at anytime for any reason.
Toys: should be given to the proper owner. Or Momma. Or just haphazardly placed throughout the house in rooms the toys would never ordinarily appear.
Remote Buttons: should be pushed. Mostly at random. And during a show everyone else is enjoying.
Microphones: should be sung into.
Garbage Cans: should be emptied. It doesn't matter whether it's the kitchen trash that is emptied one item at the time or the small garbage cans from the bedrooms that can be dumped all at once.
Clothes and Accessories: should be worn. Headbands, shoes, necklaces, sunglasses... it doesn't matter.
That is awesome! I think your baby and my baby would be BFFs!! She sure is cute, so that's something! :)
What a busy little person. I love the first picture... She simultaneously looks like Josh and like you. And that's one intense gaze.
Cute baby.
Adorable! Sounds like she's got a lot of her mom in her!!!
Perhaps we should keep her and Rusty apart! They could teach each other too much!
She's such a cutie!! The last part of the zoo movie she reminded me a lot of you in your baby pictures!
Those videos are SO cute---It was fun to hear Josh's voice again--but who was that skinny women holding Millie's hand? :)
So fun!
Too cute!! She sure is funny and I get to experience some of these firsthand!
You look great in that video. Keep it up!
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