Saturday, November 13, 2010

#13 I'm Thankful For.....

Tonight as we drove home we began a bit of a family sing-along.  It started out with Primary songs: I Am a Child of God, Follow the Prophet, etc.  Then Josh asked the kids what their favorite Christmas songs are.  It may seem a little early for Christmas but I love it and I learned last year to begin celebrating Christmas as soon as I could because the weather throws me off and I need all the time I can find to get ready for it.  (That sentence was a little Faulkner-ish, I think.) 

Anyway, we began singing a few different carols: Up On the Housetop, Silent Night, Jingle Bells, and so on.  But my favorite part was when each kid sang their own solo.  Abby sang a song she's practicing for the school choir concert next month.  Emma sang some cute little song that she made up the words for since she couldn't remember them.  And even Matt, who rarely sings out loud, sang a bit of O Christmas Tree for us.  Millie joined in on a few of the songs too. 

I love that my family loves to sing together.  Actually, I just love that they love to sing at all.  Singing is one of my favorite things to do.  And singing Christmas songs is a double whammy of greatness.

I'm so thankful for music and the power it has to bring people together. 

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