Wednesday, November 3, 2010

#3 I'm Thankful For......

I was a loud and attention-seeking drama queen once upon a time.  I know it's so hard to imagine that.  But it's true.  I said stupid things.  I did stupid things.  Most of the time I actually thought about what I was saying or doing before I did it and decided to go ahead and do them anyway because they'd be funny.  I think you could call that Premeditated Stupidity.

So what am I thankful for?  I am SO thankful that there was no You Tube, iPhones, Facebook, or even digital cameras when I was in high school.  I know there are people that remember some of my "finer" moments.  But I am so glad there is nothing recorded to PROVE that I actually did those stupid things.

What stupid things? you ask.  Why the heck would I tell you?  You probably remember more moments than I do.


colds1 said...

Ooo, let's start a list ...

Carina said...

Are you thinking of the time you __________ and we all went _______! Yeah, I remember that one.

Lori said...

HA HA!!! I like this one :)

Jeri Dawn said...

Once upon a time? Do I really have to change my imaging of you now?