Sunday, November 14, 2010

#14 I'm Thankful For.....

Josh tells me that he enjoys reading my blog because it's like reading my journal.  I'm pretty honest with what I write.  Sometimes I write to vent.  Sometimes I write to inform. Sometimes I write to brag.  Sometimes I write because I'm so bored that I'll die if I don't do something

Tonight I write to sort myself out.  I gave myself a week to slow down and prepare to recharge.  We began losing our baby a week ago today.  Since then, I've been trying to relax so I can heal both physically and emotionally. 

Physically: Tomorrow I'm going running for the first time in over a week.  It's the longest I've gone without running since August.  I'm looking forward to getting out and just running.  Plus, it's time to get these extra pounds back off.  I gained several pounds the last six weeks as I ate what I wanted when I wanted.  Tomorrow I put my Bodybugg back on and start logging my food again.  No more late night ice cream binges.  I don't know if I'll really miss that.  The binging guilt isn't always worth it.

Emotionally: I'm still having a hard time.  I still know Heavenly Father loves us.  And I truly believe we are meant to have another child in the near future.  But there are those things that get me down.  I didn't give birth, but my body has to heal as if I did.  This is where I get a bit upset.  I don't have a baby, so why should I have to deal with this for so many days?  A miscarriage isn't like a regular period.  But it's not like postpartum recovery.  It's this limbo in between.  But with the same amount of hormones.  And that's the killer.

I'm not at that point where I see pregnant women and mourn.  I see babies and want one, but I was like that before. 

I think the hardest part is speaking out loud about how I feel.  I can write about it, but when I talk about it I worry about being too emotional.  And then the person I'm talking to might get worried about me.  I don't want anyone to worry.  I'm the worrier.  That's my job.  Not anyone else's.  So I go into mechanical mode and I feel like I sound so heartless.  Like I don't really care that I lost a baby.  But I do.  It feels so contradictory and I hate feeling that way.  But I haven't figured out how to master the balance yet.

And so I write.  It's easier than talking.  My favorite aspect of my keyboard is the Backspace button.  I can express myself so much easier because of it.  And I can take a while to think about what I want to say.  There's no pressure on me to answer the question, "How are you?" because I can sit and figure out what the answer really is before I say it.  I can express myself and feel liberated.

Today I'm thankful for my blog and my ability to write.  I'm thankful for emails I write that express my feelings even more than my blog does.  I like writing.  I wish I could do it even more.  And I hope to be proficient at it one day. 


Jabon said...

Shelly, you have been a really trouper through this. I am still amazed that you were still up for the little hike the other day. :) You are lucky you have so much family surrounding you.

Carina said...

Whenever I have been through something traumatic I go into the same mechanical mode. I do it especially when it's someone I don't feel as emotionally connected to. I can't open the window to my heart when I am not sure they will understand it.

I too am thankful for the outlet to express my feelings. And I adore the backspace & delete buttons. I wish I could always take back what I just said so easily.

Bless you Shelly! I am still praying for you. It is not something you get over in a day or a week.