Friday, November 26, 2010

#25 I'm Thankful For.....

Some days it's easy to sit and think about what I'm thankful for.  I do that thing that I think a lot of bloggers do.... During the day I find moments when I think to myself, "I need to blog about this."  And I've found my thankful posts have been along the same lines.  I generally have an epiphany at some point during the day that I think, "Yep, that's what I need to write about."

Today I didn't have a single epiphany.  I'm not sure which way that sentence goes.  Did I have not one epiphany of what I'm thankful for today or did I have so many epiphanies that there wasn't one but many? 

Since this is my final thankful post I think I just don't want it to end with something lame or a cop out.  I don't want to have my final thoughts on this matter in 2010 to be, "I'm thankful for Thanksgiving."

So I'm going to list a few things that I didn't get to write a full post about.

I'm thankful for:

My parents
My siblings
Josh's parents
Josh's siblings
Good food
A beautiful house that we got for half price
My talents
Good books that suck me in and I can't put down
Helping hands around the house
Dates with my Honey
My religion
A cool pillow and a warm bed
Josh's job

We've had some trials these last few weeks.  It hasn't always been easy to find something to be thankful for every day.  Some days I could tell you exactly what I'm not thankful for, but that would have defeated the purpose.  However, it's been very easy (even with our trials, vacation, etc) to sit and write a post everyday.  It's been important for me.  And I really wonder if I would have been able to make it through our miscarriage as easily if I hadn't had this project going on.  Some things just are not our own ideas.  They must come from other Sources.

I'm thankful for Divine Inspiration.

1 comment:

Merinda Reeder said...

I like this. I'm glad you did it. I've enjoyed reading. I'm so glad you're blogging and that I can keep up with you in so effortless a way.
You've got to be one of my favorite blogs on the entire internet.
Thanks for being my friend.