Saturday, November 6, 2010

#6 I'm Thankful For.......

Yesterday Emma came home with a paper.  It was a two page letter explaining the new formation of the Student Council, the description of the student officers, and a permission slip for any 4th or 5th graders interested in running for office.  It's late in the school year, nearly halfway through considering that the kids started the year at the beginning of August.  But it is the first year this school has been open and there were plenty of other things to work out during the first of the year.

Emma gained a desire to run for student body a week or so ago when the Charlie Brown special was on TV.  The first half was about the Great Pumpkin while the second half of the program was about Linus running for student office.  Emma thought that was the coolest thing.  I told her that she'll probably have the chance to run for office starting in middle school. 

Little did I know her aspirations for a political career would have the opportunity to materialize sooner rather than later.

Emma wants to run for Student Body President.  I hope she succeeds.  Emma is smart, responsible, helpful, funny, a good friend, courteous, loving, honorable, talented, gracious, generous, loyal.  The list could go on and on.  She makes friends and keeps them.  She loves to snuggle.  She still says she struggles with the thought of a new brother or sister, but she's going to love that baby as soon as she sees him/her.  That's how loving she is. 

Emma is a good person.  She has an obvious potential for goodness throughout her life.  She has a brightness that shines around her, as if her guardian angels are constantly watching her and helping her along the way. 

I'm thankful for Emma.  My first born.  My joy and happiness.  The girl I aspire to be like and never want to disappoint.  My baby makes me a better person.  Thank you, Emma Rose.

1 comment:

Lori said...

I love that girl too! Good luck Emma!