Monday, August 8, 2011

#12 30 Day Movie Challenge

#12 A movie you like from an actor you don't like

Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves

Oh, wait.  I mean:

One of the greatest enigmas of Hollywood, in my opinion, is how in the world Keven Costner made it so big.  The dude isn't handsome.  He's pretty monotonous.  If the eyes are the window to the soul, Costner has none.  His eyes are dead. 

He is by far my least favorite actor.

But the fact is, he's made a couple decent movies, despite his involvement.

I'd be fine if they released a version with Costner edited out and it focused on the other major players: Morgan Freeman, Alan Rickman, and Christian Slater (yes, I had a crush on Slater in 1991 when this movie came out).  But then the movie would be about 20 minutes long, if that.  Oh well. 


Lori said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! I so totally agree!!!!! And James loves him, which drives me crazy!!!!!!!!

Merinda Reeder said...

I agree completely with all you've said; but Costner is enough to ruin this Robin Hood for me.
One of my very favorite movies is the Majestic, and I generally loathe Jim Carrey. As a comedian he repulses me; but his drama is decent, and the Majestic is easily in my top 10.