Friday, August 12, 2011

#17 30 Day Movie Challenge

#17 A movie you want everyone to see

At first thought I wanted everyone to see a movie that inspired me or stirred me to seek change.  But then I realized what movie I want everyone to see.

The Goonies

I know, this sounds stupid, but there is a true reason for this.

Several weeks ago one of the instructors at the gym made a comment that she had never seen a certain movie.  I don't remember which one it was, but I remember being surprised because I had been pretty sure everyone had seen it.  Then she dropped the bomb.  She said, "And I've never seen Goonies either."

I groaned.  I groaned so loud that the other instructor could hear me above the music playing (the instructors wear head mics to be heard over the music easier) and she laughed at the appalled look upon my face.

I consider myself a Christian woman.  I try to follow the teaching of, "Judge not that ye be not judged." 

Watching The Goonies is a rite of passage.  I don't really know where the passage leads or where it comes from, but it is necessary to experience.  And if you don't, I judge you.

So please, for the sake of my soul, please watch this watch this movie.  I do not want to judge you.  I have enough strikes against me as it is, don't make me add another.


Lori said...

Baby RUth? HAHA! I seriously thought everyone had seen this one!! You just gotta! My friends husband was teaching her kids how to do the truffle shuffle. :) Which is way funny cause none of them are big and they're all under 8!

Merinda Reeder said...

Shelly, I love you. This is funny. This post is why I read your blog... well, that and I like you, too.