Thursday, April 2, 2009

Disney Vacation Day One

In an effort to keep these posts somewhat under control length-wise (which I struggle with anyway...I know you're thinking, "Who? You? NO!") I've decided to break it down to several posts instead of one big one. We'll see how well that works.

Day One

I'm pretty sure I started this trip out perfectly...the laundry was done and the bags were packed on Monday, the house was cleaned Tuesday, and Wednesday was our final-details day. We picked the girls up from school and brought them home long enough to drop off their backpacks and go potty and we were on the road by 3:10pm. Incredible. You'd think that I was the perfect mom. Oh, please, wait for me, I'm gagging on my laughter.

In an effort to make the drive to Seattle pleasant, I rented some books on cd. Let's visit this idea of Seattle for a sec. We made the plans to fly from Seattle to Disneyland based on the fact that it was the cheapest route and we thought it was about six hours away from us. We were very, very wrong. Spokane is about six hours away, and when it's snowing so bad that you have to have chains on your tires, Seattle is another seven hours away. We had snow getting there and coming home. Sucky!

Anyway, the books I had gotten for the trip were the first three Harry Potter books. I've read them before, but I wanted to reread them. I want to read the last one again since I read it in 24 hours the day it came out so Josh could read it as soon as possible. But you can't read the last one without revisiting the first six books. So, we were listening to the books and I thought of this:

I dare you to watch this and not get it stuck in your head. Thanks a lot, James and Lori.

1 comment:

Lori said...

I knew you would love it!!!